Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The meaning of a kiss

So Charlotte and Harry have only been back together for a couple hours and they've already kissed! Lip to lip, my friends. 
Aww! Isn't that sweet.
But I still don't think it'll last...
- Exposed

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Full of Surprises

What's this? It looks like Charlotte and Harry are back together again. Apparently they talked things out on Campus and she agreed to be his girlfriend again. How sweet.
I wonder what Louis will think when he hears this....
- Exposed

...and sometimes you just get lucky.

Another near death experience for Rachel? That's what it looks like...
About midnight, Rachel took a walk in the Woods when she ran into her ex-boyfriend. You know, the one that ran her over with his car. Anyway, he has a gun and threatens to shoot her. Lacey, who happened to be in the woods at the same time, saw this and attacked Dylan (Rachel's ex.), letting Rachel run away. 
Looks like Harry failed as a bodyguard...
- Exposed

Our Queen of Mean is back?

Ever since Charlotte broke up with Harry, she's returned back to her title as Queen Of Mean. Right after the break up, she broke the windshield of Louis' car, the same thing she did to Lacey's back in the day.  Not only that, she got into a fight with a bartender at Studio 57, or at least that's what I heard anyway.
I guess that's what you do when you're an owner of a lonely heart...
It looks like our Queen of Mean is back, and meaner that before.
~ Exposed

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hot Or Not List ( October 30th, 2012)

1. Charlotte Ross
2.Lacey Towns
3. Rachel Ryland

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Something's coming...

After Charlotte stormed out, Louis and Harry got into a little argument at Applebee's leading Louis to storm out too. Harry chased after him and the two got into a car accident. Louis' okay but Harry's still unconscious at the hospital, still on the thin line between life and death.
- Exposed

Someone give me my twenty dollars!

An emotional breakup with Louis stuck in the middle? At Applebee's, Louis told Charlotte that him and Harry used to date. She got mad and stormed out, declaring the relationship between her and Harry over. I told you it wouldn't last long...
- Exposed

Friday, October 26, 2012

Distant Pasts...

Well Rachel's been released from the Hospital. She was spotted in the Courtyard crying her eyes out. Harry, who seems like everyone's favorite shoulder to cry on nowadays, saw her and asked her what was wrong. She then preceded to confess everything to him. Saying that her ex-boyfriend tried to kill her multiple times and that someday she's going to wake up finding herself dead. So he tells her she needs someone to be with her at all times, like a bodyguard and offers to do the job. Rachel refused at first, but later on accepted. 

Meanwhile in the Preforming Arts Center, Charlotte wanders in and meets Louis who's a little on the conceited side. Anyway, they got to talking and somehow he managed to convince her to go to dinner with him as friends. 

So anyway, at Applebee's Louis and Charlotte run into Harry and Rachel, they all get a booth together and this is where things start going wrong.
Charlotte decides to order wine, even though she's underage. Louis starts to talk about Harry's past, much to Harry's dismay. So Harry pulls Louis into the bathroom to talk. Meanwhile Rachel, who's still kind of down and depressed,  reveals her opinion on Charlotte. Saying that she  has a drinking problem, but before Charlotte can say anything Harry and Louis come back. And Louis starts acting a little different, a little more quiet. Hmm.....
- Exposed

Another New Student...

Looks like we have a new student!
His name's Louis Tomlinson, apparently he's one of Harry's old friends from England but Harry seems to keep his distance. Hmm...
- Exposed

Harry and Charlotte at last...

Charlotte and Harry are officially a couple! Aww! I wonder how long this will last? A couple of weeks maybe?
Can someone say tainted love?
- Exposed

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rachel's a druggie?

It seems like there's more to Rachel than we thought.
At the Hospital, Lacey and Charlotte talked to her ex-boyfriend who revealed she's a drug addict? 
I knew she was crazy...
- Exposed

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Queen of Mean isn't so mean anymore...

Has anyone noticed how nice Charlotte's been acting? She apologized to Lacey and admitted to busting the windshield, however she offered to pay for it! 
Maybe Harry changed her for the better....
- Exposed

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hot or Not List ( October 23rd 2012)

1. Lacey Towns
2. Charlotte Ross*
3. Kimberly Hardsmann*
4. Rachel Ryland
5. Clark Elizabeth Prewater

1. Harry Styles
2. Alex Gates

* I added Charlotte in here because she has had some good drama this week, and decided to give her a chance. Same goes for Kimberly. 

Could it be?

Is there love in the air for  Harry and  Charlotte? The two seem were spotted in the mall Saturday, and he bought her a necklace before falling into the fountain. And during Homecoming, he wouldn't take his eyes off her. I wonder if he knows what he's getting himself into...
- Exposed


Woah. That's seriously the only word I can say right now. Woah.
At Studio 57 last night, Rachel was crossing the street when she was struck down by a car. The driver sped off before anyone could see him...or her, but she was left in the middle of the middle of the road unconscious and bleeding. Lacey, who happened to be outside at the time, saw and rushed over to see who it was and screamed when she learned it was Rachel. From inside Charlotte, who was still in there with Kimberley trying to get Alex to dump Lacey, heard the loud scream and rushed outside. When she saw it was Lacey and Rachel, she rushed over and went to see what was going on. Lacey called an ambulance and then drove to the hospital with Charlotte. Alex went and I don't know if Kimberley did.
Clark, who seems to be one of Rachel's closest friends, still doesn't even know. But I'm sure someone will crack the news to her.
- Exposed

Monday, October 22, 2012

War at Studio 57?

It seems like Charlotte has a sidekick, Kimberly. At Studio 57, Kimberly  spilled a martini on Lacey's dress, causing her to start crying. Another new girl, Dani Richards, was there and had a spare dress to loan to Lacey. Charlotte's still at large for smashing the windshield of Lacey's truck, but she still hasn't said anything about it. Lacey, I think it's about time you stuck up for yourself because it's only going to get worse from here.
- Exposed

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Double Trouble?

It looks like Kimberly and Charlotte are becoming good friends. Last night at Studio 57, the two decided to plot against Lacey and ruin her date with Alex. Not sure how well that went, but it looks like we've got double trouble on the loose...
- Exposed

Looks like there's a new girl in town.


Another new kid!
Her name is Kimberly Ann Hardsmann, a 17 year old from London. She was spotted at Homecoming, last night. Here's a tip: Watch out Kim, Kimberly, whatever you like to be called. Because tears will fall, hearts will be broken, and secrets will be exposed.
- Exposed

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ladies man?

It seems like Harry's quite the ladies man. First he's spotted at Homecoming talking to Paige Daniels, then in the Courtyard he convinces Clark to break up with her boyfriend and now he was seen with,out of all people, Charlotte? Apparently the two met in the woods and were seen getting lunch on Main Street. For someone who has only been here a couple of days, he's certainly getting around.
- Exposed

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Clark and Harry? Hmm...

This afternoon in the courtyard, Harry convinced Clark to break up with her boyfriend from Tennessee. She then proceeded to kiss him on the cheek and leave.  Could Clark and Harry actually become a thing? We'll have to see...
- Exposed

Who did it?

You are not going to believe this. This afternoon, in the student parking lot, someone smashed the windshield of Lacey's truck. It caused the alarm to go off and when Lacey found the truck she was in tears. When Rachel went out to see what was going on, Lacey confessed that she didn't have insurance and couldn't afford to get it fixed, so Rachel offered to pay. 
The person who did this left before anyone came out, but I think I know whose behind this...Charlotte. She's the only one who really hates Lacey and already dented the truck before. I wouldn't be suprised if it was her, but I could be wrong...
- Exposed

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homecoming 2012, complete with all sorts of drama.

This year's homecoming was certainty a little different than last years. If anything, it was actually pretty interesting. And you're about to find out why.

So the night started off with a small feud between Charlotte and Lacey. Which is not surprising since it seems like Charlotte hates her. 
It started when Charlotte called Lacey's dress ugly and then it went on from there. Oh Charlotte, can't keep your own opinion. If that's what you honestly thought, at least have some tact and keep it to yourself. 

Moving on...
Once Wed
New kids, Harry Styles and Paige Daniels seemed to be getting along pretty well as the night went on, They seemed to be having a good time talking with each other, and he even went to get her a drink. Good  for them.

Has anyone noticed how quickly Clark and Rachel are becoming friends? The two seem to be getting along well now that Rachel isn't crazy. I'm happy that at least these two are normal. 

- Exposed