Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reviews (Thursday January 24th, 2012)

Yeah, yeah. I know these are four days late. But cut me some slack, okay? It's been a very dramatic first week here at Caldwell, and I needed some time to get my facts straight. So yeah, you're going to forgive me.
So it's Thursday and that means reviews. You know. That lovely segment that I ( and occasionally A) do each and every week where we voice our honest, unsugarcoated, opinions on those unlucky students who found themselves stuck here. With that being said, let's get this show on the road already!
From A-Z, first name basis.

Annabelle: Austin's sister who thought blackmail would solve her problems. Ha! You need to get a little better at your game, darling. And perhaps pay a little more attention while revealing that you pushed Austin off a ledge while he's conscious and right in front of you. 'Nuff said.
Arielle: The only thing I have to say to you is actually a question. What happened with you and that Sebastian guy? I'm assuming that things didn't go in your favor because you showed up and he didn't...which I find a little strange. 
Austin: I wrote a whole post explaining my thoughts on you ( and to be fair, it was one of the longest posts I've ever written on here) but I do have a question. What were you doing at the Hospital in the first place? I can't help but wonder.
Bailey Rose: Our new girl, who really isn't new because she was here last year. Not much to say, however I do wish you good luck. You are going to need it.
Charlotte: My opinion on you has changed for the better since you decided to straighten up your act and make peace with those who were once your enemies ( Lacey, Louis, and even Rachel...). However I still think you need some help. 
Chris: I wonder if anything happened between you and Jessica over the summer...
Ella: Another new girl, but this is one I actually like. I saw you in the Library and you were actually reading textbooks. Which means that you're going to be busy studying instead of creating drama. Good for you! 
Lacey: You look a little down lately. Is it because Clark left?
Louis: Okay, I'm going to cut you some slack. Because Harry's gone and Austin's an emotional roller-coaster and it's your escape. But don't let it spiral out of control like Char did...or else everything might just crumble.
Rachel: I'll be the first one to admit, I'm glad you aren't crazy anymore. But you're extreme happiness is making me suspicious...

Have a wonderful week, darlings. 
- Exposed 

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