Sunday, December 9, 2012

I don't think it's going to happen.

I've got a question for you. Does anyone remember that thing between Lacey and Alex? No? Well I'll recap.
It was before Charlotte met Harry and during the infamous feud, when Char dented her car. Lacey went to Elizabeth and told her all about it and Elizabeth sent her to Alex, her brother, to get the car fixed.
So he did, and afterwords he asked Lacey on a date, the same night of the hit and run, and we all know what happened after that. 
But one question always kind of remained in my head, does Alex still like Lacey? After that one date the two pretty much drifted apart. Alex and Elizabeth kind of disappeared and Lacey got caught up in Rachel's drama. But you can't help but wonder.
Well I honestly don't think these two are going to happen. Whatever feelings Alex had for her, have seemingly disappeared. It was a one time thing that didn't work. I honestly think that Lacey thinks that this could lead into some sort of relationship but I just don't think it's going to happen.
- Exposed

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