Monday, November 18, 2013

Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse.

Well I jinxed it.
I fucking jinxed it.
A little bit ago I mentioned how Caldwell was rather quiet. How everything was pretty much at a stand-still and nothing was going on. But it is seemingly no longer the case.
All because of Daphne Taylor.
I say Daphne instead of Amber now because the difference between the two are rather noticeable - right down to the appearance. I'm pretty sure they're two different people but with the same face.
Anyway so last night Ray, who by the way we haven't seen since she stabbed Kathy, was walking in the woods. I don't exactly know why she was out there. I'm not God. But I guess sometimes it's nice to clear your head, and usually a nice little midnight walk will do just the trick.
Unfortunately for Ray, Daphne was out there too and heard Ray say something. Since it was dark Ray wasn't able to see her but somehow Daphne saw Ray...
and attacked her.
She literally attacked her.
Daphne tackled her and knocked her to the ground and started to choke her. She had a knife in her hand for a moment, so I'm assuming she had an intention to stab her.
But before Daphne could snap Ray's throat, guess who came walking into the woods?
None other than Dylan Detetta.
Because you can't have a weird ass story without that psychopath involved.
Apparently Dylan overheard Daphne say something and wandered over towards where they were. He didn't see Ray, or what Daphne was doing to her, for a moment. So he said something to himself and almost walked away.
But Daphne heard his voice and let go of Ray's neck, picking up her knife and walking towards him. As she walked closer he saw her, picking up a rock that was nearby and slamming her in the head with it - causing her to be knocked unconscious.
Fortunately Ray was able to regain her breathing and was fine. She said something to herself and Dylan overheard. Which sparked up a lighthearted conversation between the two. As if they had just picked up from where they left off.

Now that makes me happy. Literally, I'm not being sarcastic. It's refreshing to see just people being...friends. Just having a conversation. Instead of stabbing someone or murdering them, even though that's how this almost ended. It's glad to see Dylan and Ray back as friends too, because I always enjoyed their friendship. I feel as if they brought out the best in each other, and that's always nice.

- Exposed

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