Friday, November 8, 2013

When you're strange, faces come out of the rain.

It seems like the weirdest shit happens around here always involves little Kathy Wilson. Literally. Remember how she went all bizerk to Alex? Or how she actually  begged Ray to stab her in the campus ( I never reported on it but it was something to see, I reassure you)? The latest installment in her antics only further proves my point  that she's probably on drugs and that she needs some help. 
And this particular story involves one of our newest students whose name is Genevieve Davis. 
So Genevieve was just innocently walking through the campus with her bags. She wasn't doing anything wrong and she looked completely normal.
And then Kathy came over towards her and demanded that she give her some...brownies?
When Genevieve told her that she didn't know what she was talking about, much less have the brownies, Kathy attacked her.
Literally attacked her.
She jumped onto Genevieve's back and put her in a choke hold, demanding for her to give her the brownies. Genevieve continued to say that she didn't have any and after a minute she kicked Kathy in the gut and ran off. 
Aw the poor girl, I hope she'll be alright. 
And like I said this only further proves my point that Kathy is on some sort of drugs. The fact that she was talking about brownies is a sole reason alone. Of course she's not referring to regular old brownies, she's referring to pot brownies. She needed her next fix. 
Of course this is just speculation but I think it's pretty clear that I'm going to be right.
- Exposed

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