Monday, December 31, 2012

Reviews ( Monday December 31st, 2012)

Alas, here it is. The final Monday of 2012. What better way to celebrate than to hear my opinion on the students that attend here? Well there's a lot of ways, but for now. This is what you get. Enjoy.
From A-Z.

Alex: Apparently, someone did slap sense into you. Because you decided to take Lacey to some French Restaurant. Good move...I guess.
Arielle: Woah. When Char told you about Harry, I really didn't expect that reaction at all! I guess you're an actual friend than a flirt. Good for you, darling. 
Austin: Remember last week when I said I didn't have much of an opinion on you yet? Well I still really don't. But I do have something to say to you. You're officially running out of luck. Why? You'll have to find out.
Charlotte: You apologized and I have never been happier. Because it actually means you have a heart and that gives you some points on my board. However I still think your an alcoholic. Get some help, darling.
Clark: You and Hank have the most hilarious ship name out there...Chank. I wasn't going to say anything but I couldn't resist.
Hank: Glad you're not a crazy ex boyfriend like Dylan. I probably would've found that gun and shot you myself if you were. 
Harry: Forget everything, everything, I said about keeping a low profile and focus on getting better. Because you've got one month to live. In only a matter of days you'll be in a box underneath the ground, so do something with your final days. Get out of here, Harry, and live your life. Go somewhere, achieve your goals, do the things you've always wanted to do. Because you've only got a limited time to do them, before it's too late.
Lacey: I am really curious to see what's going to happen in this fancy French restaurant Alex took you too. I wonder if your " Do over first date" will end up like your actual first date, in tears.
Louis: I think you just unknowingly walked into a crap-load of drama.
Rachel: Guess you'll have to find another body guard, 'cause you know. Harry's dying. Wait-you didn't know? Well now you do. Wow, Rachel. You are really out of the loop.
Sebastian: New kid, not much to say.
Zayn: Woah, woah, woah. I find it extremely odd how you got so defensive over Louis when Austin called him a moron. You don't even know him! Or do? I guess we'll have to find out, won't we? 

See you in 2013, darlings.
- Exposed

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