Thursday, February 14, 2013

Reviews ( Thursdays February 14th, 2013)

I've changed my mind, I'm moving Reviews to Thursdays.
Because, I'm still off my game here and it's just a little...easier. So yeah.
Well, it's Thursday. Time to hear my opinion on the unfortunate students who were fooled by that nice looking brochure and ended up in this joint.
And then you have to hear about it.
All in all, it's a lose-lose situation. But you'll live...hopefully.

From A-Z, first name basis:
Aine: New girl, and from what I can tell, you're quite straightforward. I like that. Consider that a good thing, darling. It's better to have me on your side.
Annabelle: Despite being a complete blackmailer and thief, I feel some sort of sympathy towards you. I mean, afterall, your brother was killed...
Bailey Rose: Darling, are you insane?! Talking to Dylan might end up with you in a grave! Run! Flee! Get away before it's too late!
Charlotte: You and Jordan are cute and he's a good kid. Don't let him go, alright? He's a keeper. And as for Edward, you two are somewhat alike. This could end up opening the doors for a friendship or for disaster with the clash of personalities.
Chris: If you still like Jess after what she told you, you deserve an award. 
Dylan: I'd clean up my act if I were you. Or else...
Edward: If you end up coming here, let's just hope you don't have Harry's incredible streak of bad luck that ended up getting him killed. That wouldn't be good.
Jess: I knew it! I knew you were schizophrenic! I knew it!
Jordan: Darling, you're a good kid. I really think that, and for Charlotte...yeah. I see it. However, I'd be keeping a close eye on her when it comes to alcohol. She can get insane.
Lacey: I get it. You wanted revenge. But honestly, with everything that's been happening with Dylan right now, this certainly wasn't the time to ask for it.
Louis: I seriously thought Zayn told you Austin was dead...anyway. With your knowledge I'd be getting down to the police station and talking to the cops. It might help them.
Rachel: And this is the time where I thank you for bringing a psychopath into this school. But it's not entirely your fault. Something is WRONG with him. Always has been. But now, with the deaths of Ramona Wilson and Austin, it looks like he's snapped.
Sasha: Another new girl. You and Lacey seem to be getting along just well...
Sienna: I've got two words for you. Run away. Dylan's up to no good. It's an act. Which you seem to be buying. Wake up and smell the roses, darling! He's insane and you could very well be his next "victim."
William: If Louis is right, you just set the record for the most unsuspecting criminal here. 
Winter: You lived! You lived! And finally, you called the police! Thank you!

That's it for this week. Sorry if it isn't that good, it's 3 in the morning and I'm writing this half asleep.
I might edit it when I'm more conscious, but oh well. For now it will do.
Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed 

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