Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reviews ( Wednesday February 6th, 2012)

Alas, it's Thursday. 
I'm still a little off my game here, and I have a lot of catching up to do. With that being said, this post might be a little long. Because this week, an enormous amount of things happened to pretty much everyone.
And of course, I have an opinion. 
So let's get this show on the road, already!
From A-Z, first name basis.

Annabelle: I'll give you some credit. You're smart. But, perhaps a little insane. I'd take it down a notch.
Austin: Oh darling, darling darling darling. So you got back together with Louis, only to be brutally murdered by some psychopath before the night was over. Woah. Rest In Peace. You weren't the most perfect person here, and you could've treated Louis a little better, but no one deserves to die the horrible death you did. No one. Have fun up there. 
Bailey Rose: You're lucky. I have nothing to say about you. Take that as a compliment. 
Charlotte: I honestly thought you would never get over Harry, so it was a huge surprise when you got together with Jordan. And I have to admit, I think you chose someone good. I wish you two the best!
Chris: Could there be something in the air between you and Jess? I mean, instead of running away when she had her freak out in the hallway, you stayed and comforted her. Aww! How cute! I wish you two the best aswell!
Dylan: Oh my word. When Austin died, did he give you the title of the the most confusing person here? First you save Sienna, and then you turn around and stab Winter?! What is wrong with you?!
Ella: I saw that thing between you and William in the Art Rooms. I'll have to keep an eye on you.
Jess: Darling, I'm starting to think you're schizophrenic. Because, seriously, a freak out in the middle of a hallway?! Something's not right, and with what happened with Rachel last year, it's the only logical explanation.
Jordan: Aww! You and Charlotte are cute, and like I said before, I wish you two the best! However, retrograde amnesia? That's a bummer.
Lacey: Giving Ramona advice, was a good move. But unfortunately, that didn't stop her from getting murdered.
Louis: Oh my word I have so much to say about you that I could write a full novel about it. However I'll try my best to keep it short and sweet. I'm still a little confused about the safe full of drugs. If you say you didn't use them, then why did you have them? Perhaps you're selling them maybe? Who knows. Anyway then this thing with Zayn, woah. A little fast moving if you think about it. From not even remembering who he was to telling him you loved him within less than a day, yeah I would consider that to be a little fast moving. However, given the fact that Austin's dead and Zayn really seems hooked on you, I'll give you some points and wish you the best.
 Rachel: I think you just unknowingly walked into a crap load of drama. 
Ramona: Poor little Ramona Wilson. You weren't even here for a full week, before you were murdered. A part of me wonders if the same person who murdered you, was the same person who murdered Austin? I mean, think about it. You two were both from Caldwell, murdered within the same week, and both stabbed. It's a strange thought, but perhaps, it could help the police. Rest In Peace, Ramona. Didn't know you all that well, but no one deserves to be stabbed to death.
Sienna: Darling, don't fall for Dylan. The kid is messed up. 
William: Something's a little off about you. I saw that you left the rink with Ramona, and then she never returned. Weird, very weird. However I'm sure it's nothing.
Winter: You were stabbed too, however you survived. Maybe the Caldwell Murderer is Dylan...who stabbed you. Given his history, it's something to consider. I'd call the cops, and report him. Before someone else gets killed.
Zayn: I knew it! I knew you had past connections to Louis! Because I thought the thing at the lake last year was a little odd. You've defiantly earned some points in my book though for saving Louis and pointing a gun at the person who murdered Austin. You should've shot him, but meh. You saved someone, so that's good enough. 

Well that's it for this week, darlings. I honestly believe that this is one of the longest posts I've ever written. 777 words, 4,226 characters ( including spaces). Insane, but oh well. 
Have a lovely week, darlings! 
- Exposed 

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