Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reviews (Wednesday February 20th, 2013)

Alas, we meet again.
It's Wednesday and you know what that means!
I'm writing a separate post on the trial and everything so this might be quite short. Or long.
Depends on how you see it, really.
Anywho, here it goes!

From A-Z, first name basis:

Annabelle: I was surprised to see that you weren't at the Trial. But I was glad to see you warning Samantha. About time you put your smartness to a good use. 
Bailey-Rose: Oh little Bailey Rose Kennedy, so young and innocent. Want to add alive to your list? Stay away from Dylan. It's the only way you'll stay alive.
Charlotte: Looks like you've got on Edward's good side, but be careful darling.
Chris: Okay can I just take a moment to say how good of a guy you are for sticking with Jess, after she told that she had schizophrenia. Because her stunts are a little bit scary, even for me. 
Dylan: A part of me thinks you kissed Sienna just to get her to say you're innocent. But another part of me thinks you did it because you liked her. And if you like her, that means you're over Rachel! And that makes you a little less crazy! 
Edward: Would have never guessed that Harry had a twin, but anyway. You and Charlotte are quite similar so I can see you getting along well. But like I said, be careful. 
Ella: I saw that thing between you and William in the library, and I must say it's kind of cute. But if Louis is right, that cute factor goes right down the drain. 
Jess: You're a lucky girl, Jess. A very very lucky girl.
Jordan: I've got nothing to say about you, consider that a good thing.
Lacey: While getting Keith to beat up Dylan was entertaining, it probably made him hate you more.   Which won't be a good thing if he's proven innocent and is let free...
Louis: Did you dig into that safe of drugs and use a couple? I mean, William does not look like a criminal at all. Much less he didn't even know Austin enough to kill him. 
Rachel: This could be what you were waiting for...or not. But I can defiantly tell that you and Rebecca are related. She has that same attitude you do, except for she's more snarky. 
Ray: Welcome to the jungle! You just befriended a psychopath! 
Samantha: New girl. Hopefully you'll last longer than Ramona did.
Sienna: I think you just received the kiss of death, darling. I said it once and I'll say it until the point gets across, get away from the psychopath!
William: You look nothing like a criminal. At all. 'Nuff said.
Winter: At least we have one sane person here, who survived being stabbed. 
Zayn: I'm wondering if you're just sticking up for Louis or if you're telling the truth...

Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed 

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