Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Reviews (Wednesday February 27th, 2013)

Here we are again, another Wednesday.
Funny how fast the week flies by.
Unfortunately for you, that means it's also the same day I do reviews. Which is where I rant about those kids who ended up here out of all places.
So grab yourself some water and maybe a snack or two, because like usual you're in for a ride.
Not much of a ride, since this week it's a little short, but nonetheless - it's a ride.

From A-Z, first name basis:
Annabelle: Remember back in the day when you said you were coming here to get a better education? Ha! I'd think someone who wanted to get an educated wouldn't have skipped school.  
You need to get your priorities in order, darling. Do it for the rest of us. 
Charlotte: I've seen the Queen has been kind of keeping out of the limelight this year, thank goodness. However that doesn't mean I won't be keeping an eye on you, so watch out. 
Chloe: New girl, I really don't have much to say except for I wouldn't get involved with Annabelle if I were you. Just being completely honest.
Chris: If you can stay this way, and by way I mean sticking by Jess's side, I'll give you an award. An award for not being a jerk.
Dylan: You're borderline this week. Which is kind of a good thing and kind of a bad thing, really. The fact that your innocent for Austin and Ramona's murders baffles me, but I also like the fact that your moving on with Sienna and I also like your friendship with Ray evens it out.
Jess: I really don't have much to say about you this week...take it as a compliment. 
Lacey: I'm sure you, along with Rachel and Winter, want to hurt someone right now. You've tried countless times to get revenge on Dylan and the one time that the law finally gets involved - he's proven innocent. 
Louis: Take what I said to Jess, and apply it to yourself.
Rachel: I seriously hope that you don't try to start anything since Dylan's been proven innocent, because that would just be stupid.
Ray: You've got nerve, darling. You've got nerve...
Samantha: Okay I've got a question. Why were you crying over that bracelet? I mean, that was before you even found out Sasha had stolen it. Strange but it's a question worth asking.
Sasha: Why in the world did you steal her bracelet?! Like really! No! You don't go stealing bracelets! That's just wrong! NO!
Sienna:  So you stood up for Dylan at the trial and gave him a chance, eh? Okay, let's just hope you don't end up in a body bag - because that wouldn't be good.
Winter:  Vous venez peut-être eu d'la chance, mon chéri.

Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Come in, stranger.

An odd start to a possible friendship?
A few days ago in the Dorms one of our latest additions to this crazy crowd, Samantha Owens, was unpacking her stuff into her room when Sasha wandered in.
Yeah she kind of just wandered in without knocking or anything, I find that a little strange but like you'll find out in a second - that's not even the strangest part of this story.
Samantha told Sasha to come in a little further and they sparked up a conversation and everything was going alright until...
Sasha spontaneously began to act weird. She kind of clammed up and started to stutter when she spoke. Then when Samantha turned her back...Sasha snatched a silver bracelet that was laying in a dish.
Weird...and quite insane. I mean we've had some odd stories involving theft here, but this is just petty and insane...
- Exposed

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday February 25th, 2013)


1. Ray Micheals
2. Samantha Owens 
3. Sienna Aria
4. Winter Clarkson
5. Lacey Towns
6. Jess Oregon
7. Bailey - Rose Kennedy
8. Annabelle Carter
9. Charlotte Ross
10. Sasha Reynolds

1. Dylan Detetta
2. Louis Tomlinson
3. Zayn Malik
4. William Richards
5. Edward Styles

- Exposed 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Same old story same old song and dance. Part Two.

So, my darlings, here it is. The second half of Dylan's trial.
So just about the time Winter slapped Rebecca, Louis walks in and Rebecca calls him up to the stand. Once he's up there he proceeds to tell everyone that William did it - and that Dylan was innocent. But just like with Sienna, Rebecca didn't believe a word and her needless sarcasm showed through again.
Finally Louis snapped and spit in her face. 
And right when this happened, Zayn showed up.
Rebecca called him to the stand, and once up there Zayn explained how Louis was actually right and went to explain what he saw on the night of Austin's murder. Rebecca asked what time he had called the police and Zayn told her the time.
Which matched the time on the tape that Sienna gave her.
With that being said, Rebecca reluctantly declared that Dylan was innocent and apparently..he's free.
With that Winter and Rachel stormed out of the courtroom and Ray Micheals, who was there, looked a little freaked out. 
You can't help but wonder if they were telling the truth. 
- Exposed 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The House Of The Rising Sun - Part One


Well, darlings, today's the day. Today's Dylan's Trial.
Of course, it didn't really go well at all.
First off, guess who the court appointed as a lawyer? 
Rachel's older sister, Rebecca Ryland.
Now Rebecca was here back in the day. She came during the period where everyone was blaming Rachel for Harry being shot and apparently she was the one who witnessed when Dylan stabbed Rachel, before she came to Caldwell.
And with what happened today, any credibility that would say Rebecca's a hero completely diminishes with her personality. 
Because Rebecca was probably the most rude person there, thanks to her completely unnecessary comments.
So Rebecca calls up Lacey up to the stand and she proceeds to ask a bunch of questions. Normal stuff like how Lacey knew Dylan and stuff, and Lacey told him everything that he did. Saying that Dylan was guilty for the murders. Rebecca wrote it all down and then proceeded to call Sienna to the stand. 
Sienna's story shocked the life out of me. 
First of all she introduced herself as Dylan's girlfriend. Then proceeded to tell them that Dylan saved her life when she had a panic attack and that there was a tape to prove it. Rebecca thought she was nuts so she asked for the tape.
And Sienna gave it to her.
When it played, it showed that Dylan was there at the Hospital when the police received the phone call about Louis after the stabbings.
Rebecca kind of pushed it off, and told her it didn't exactly clear him before asking Winter to the stand.
So Winter comes up and things went okay until Rebecca asked what her relationship with Dylan was. In which Winter proceeded to tell her that they were "acquaintances". Rebecca then asked if it was true that he stabbed her and Winter said yes, which made Rebecca chuckle and make a remark. Which made Winter slap her across the face.
This may be the most insane trial I've seen, but it's certainly entertaining.

To be continued...
- Exposed 

Reviews (Wednesday February 20th, 2013)

Alas, we meet again.
It's Wednesday and you know what that means!
I'm writing a separate post on the trial and everything so this might be quite short. Or long.
Depends on how you see it, really.
Anywho, here it goes!

From A-Z, first name basis:

Annabelle: I was surprised to see that you weren't at the Trial. But I was glad to see you warning Samantha. About time you put your smartness to a good use. 
Bailey-Rose: Oh little Bailey Rose Kennedy, so young and innocent. Want to add alive to your list? Stay away from Dylan. It's the only way you'll stay alive.
Charlotte: Looks like you've got on Edward's good side, but be careful darling.
Chris: Okay can I just take a moment to say how good of a guy you are for sticking with Jess, after she told that she had schizophrenia. Because her stunts are a little bit scary, even for me. 
Dylan: A part of me thinks you kissed Sienna just to get her to say you're innocent. But another part of me thinks you did it because you liked her. And if you like her, that means you're over Rachel! And that makes you a little less crazy! 
Edward: Would have never guessed that Harry had a twin, but anyway. You and Charlotte are quite similar so I can see you getting along well. But like I said, be careful. 
Ella: I saw that thing between you and William in the library, and I must say it's kind of cute. But if Louis is right, that cute factor goes right down the drain. 
Jess: You're a lucky girl, Jess. A very very lucky girl.
Jordan: I've got nothing to say about you, consider that a good thing.
Lacey: While getting Keith to beat up Dylan was entertaining, it probably made him hate you more.   Which won't be a good thing if he's proven innocent and is let free...
Louis: Did you dig into that safe of drugs and use a couple? I mean, William does not look like a criminal at all. Much less he didn't even know Austin enough to kill him. 
Rachel: This could be what you were waiting for...or not. But I can defiantly tell that you and Rebecca are related. She has that same attitude you do, except for she's more snarky. 
Ray: Welcome to the jungle! You just befriended a psychopath! 
Samantha: New girl. Hopefully you'll last longer than Ramona did.
Sienna: I think you just received the kiss of death, darling. I said it once and I'll say it until the point gets across, get away from the psychopath!
William: You look nothing like a criminal. At all. 'Nuff said.
Winter: At least we have one sane person here, who survived being stabbed. 
Zayn: I'm wondering if you're just sticking up for Louis or if you're telling the truth...

Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday February 19th, 2013)

1. Sienna Aria
2. Ray Micheals
3. Winter Clarkson
4. Lacey Towns
5. Samantha Owens
6. Aine Blackwood
7. Bailey Rose Kennedy
8. Jess Oregon
9. Charlotte Ross
10. Rachel Ryland

1. Louis Tomlinson
2. Jordan McCarthy
3. Edward Styles
4. Zayn Malik
5. Dylan Detetta
6. William Richards
7. Chris Richardson

Have a lovely week, darlings!
And by the way, my little case of " writers block" ( I say that when I have a lack of motivation) has been taken care of. So, I'm officially back and writing again!
- Exposed 

Sweet Emotion!

Dylan kissed Sienna!
Yes, darling. I'm not kidding. He kissed her!
Apparently he helped her break out of the Hospital and they went back to the campus, after talking for a couple of minutes, he kissed her!
While a part of me thinks what happened is cute, there's still a part of me that still thinks she should run away. As fast as she can.
- Exposed 

Another one joins the crowd.

Alas, we have another new student.
Her name is Samantha Owens. She's 16 and a Junior.
Little Miss Samantha here was spotted by the Lockers, talking to Annabelle. Asking her the usual new girl questions like where the classes were and stuff.
I'd be careful, Samantha. Caldwell isn't the place for a pretty little thing like you. If you don't watch out this place will eat you alive.
- Exposed 

It's a very very mad world.

Remember when I said this was certainly not over?
Well, once again, I was right. Because it isn't.
Apparently Lacey told her brother, Keith,  about Dylan beating her up and he decided to come down here to "even the score". Which is what ended up happening.
Last night Keith ran into Dylan in an alleyway, and let's just say it ended with a brutal fight.
Meanwhile new girl, Ray Micheals, happened to be walking by and broke the fight up. She talked to Keith for a minute before he left, then Dylan thanked her for breaking the fight up. They soon sparked up a conversation, which was interrupted by some robber ( wonder if it was the same one  who held up Charlotte and Jordan a while ago...). Dylan scared him away and it went on from there.
Wonder if we have a new friendship beginning to bloom?
- Exposed

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Reviews ( Thursdays February 14th, 2013)

I've changed my mind, I'm moving Reviews to Thursdays.
Because, I'm still off my game here and it's just a little...easier. So yeah.
Well, it's Thursday. Time to hear my opinion on the unfortunate students who were fooled by that nice looking brochure and ended up in this joint.
And then you have to hear about it.
All in all, it's a lose-lose situation. But you'll live...hopefully.

From A-Z, first name basis:
Aine: New girl, and from what I can tell, you're quite straightforward. I like that. Consider that a good thing, darling. It's better to have me on your side.
Annabelle: Despite being a complete blackmailer and thief, I feel some sort of sympathy towards you. I mean, afterall, your brother was killed...
Bailey Rose: Darling, are you insane?! Talking to Dylan might end up with you in a grave! Run! Flee! Get away before it's too late!
Charlotte: You and Jordan are cute and he's a good kid. Don't let him go, alright? He's a keeper. And as for Edward, you two are somewhat alike. This could end up opening the doors for a friendship or for disaster with the clash of personalities.
Chris: If you still like Jess after what she told you, you deserve an award. 
Dylan: I'd clean up my act if I were you. Or else...
Edward: If you end up coming here, let's just hope you don't have Harry's incredible streak of bad luck that ended up getting him killed. That wouldn't be good.
Jess: I knew it! I knew you were schizophrenic! I knew it!
Jordan: Darling, you're a good kid. I really think that, and for Charlotte...yeah. I see it. However, I'd be keeping a close eye on her when it comes to alcohol. She can get insane.
Lacey: I get it. You wanted revenge. But honestly, with everything that's been happening with Dylan right now, this certainly wasn't the time to ask for it.
Louis: I seriously thought Zayn told you Austin was dead...anyway. With your knowledge I'd be getting down to the police station and talking to the cops. It might help them.
Rachel: And this is the time where I thank you for bringing a psychopath into this school. But it's not entirely your fault. Something is WRONG with him. Always has been. But now, with the deaths of Ramona Wilson and Austin, it looks like he's snapped.
Sasha: Another new girl. You and Lacey seem to be getting along just well...
Sienna: I've got two words for you. Run away. Dylan's up to no good. It's an act. Which you seem to be buying. Wake up and smell the roses, darling! He's insane and you could very well be his next "victim."
William: If Louis is right, you just set the record for the most unsuspecting criminal here. 
Winter: You lived! You lived! And finally, you called the police! Thank you!

That's it for this week. Sorry if it isn't that good, it's 3 in the morning and I'm writing this half asleep.
I might edit it when I'm more conscious, but oh well. For now it will do.
Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed 

Unfortunately, darling, it's never ending.

One twisted story coming from Caldwell today. I mean they're all pretty twisted  but this one ranks up there in terms of just plain oddness.
So Louis was released from the Hospital, and went to Starbucks. Where he ran into Austin's sister, Annabelle. Who hasn't been seen since two days before Austin's death.
Anyway she was ticked off to see him, an expected reaction you can say because it's obvious she hates him, but then her attitude completely changed when...
Louis said something about not being able to get a hold of Austin
It hit her that Louis didn't remember anyone telling him that Austin was actually dead, and sat down across from him. Preparing to crack the news when William walks in.
Then Louis starts to tense up and tells Annabelle that William was the murderer, and she didn't believe him but he kept insisting that he was the one. Before getting up and running away.
A little while later, Louis returns with someone who looks exactly exactly like Harry. However it's not him, it's his identical twin Edward who really is nothing like Harry at all.
And about this time Charlotte walks in and when she sees Edward she was pretty much confused and kind of freaked out. Until Louis explained it and then she kind of calmed down.
All three of them got into a conversation, which went downhill when Louis mentioned not being able to get a hold of Austin again. Upon hearing this, Charlotte broke the news that Annabelle had tried to.
That Austin was dead.
Obviously Louis was in denial, and told her not to joke about it. But apparently after thinking about it, and after her telling him that she wasn't joking, it finally hit him. Then he got up and walked away, in complete silence.
However just because Louis left, doesn't mean Edward did. He stayed around and talked to Charlotte, who was wearing that ring that Jordan had given her, eventually noticing her ring. With knowledge that she was the one who Harry had dated, Edward pointed out that she must have moved on pretty fast and this lead the two to get in an argument. Which ended up with both of them leaving in a huff.
But the story isn't over yet. They ended up running into each other at Willow Street Graveyard, where Harry's buried, by mere coincidence. Both of them a little bit cooled down by now. Edward apologized and Charlotte accepted it and they got into another conversation.
Which ended up with Charlotte offering to show him around the area, upon hearing that he was going to be in town for a little while.
I'll have to keep my eye on these two...
- Exposed

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The things we do for love.

At last, I have a cute story to report to you.
So Charlotte and Jordan went on their first date. And guess where they went?
And you would think, that with that being the restaurant where Harry was stabbed among the countless other things that happened, the date would end in tears.
But apparently, they broke the long running Applebee's curse. Because they left with smiles on their faces. Anyway they proceeded to go to Tiffany's ( the jewelry store, get your minds out of the gutter) and he bought her a gorgeous sapphire ring. Which this knowledge might come in handy while reading the rest of the story, just putting that out there. Then...
they kissed!
Except for, this time, it was lip to lip my friends.
Then this story takes a kind of sad turn.
So they're walking down this alleyway, on the way back, and they're confronted by this mugger who had a pocketknife ( funny how stabbing seems to the new trend now...) and threatened to stab them if they didn't hand him their wallets. Charlotte lied and said that they didn't have them, which lead the mugger to look at Charlotte's ring and told her to give him that instead.
He threatened to stab her once more, but she kept refusing. And Jordan decided to step up and told the mugger to stab him instead.
And Charlotte refused to let him do that. Which lead to a somewhat argument between the the two and the mugger finally gave up and left. Then Jordan and Charlotte continued on their way.
They finally make it back, and instead of saying goodnight and going their separate ways they ended up talking for a little while and...
he told her he loved her!In response to that, she told him she loved him back! 
Aww how cute!
Maybe we'll have one normal relationship around here for once...

Alas, the world is a strange place.

Another new student? Oh joy.
Her name is Aine Blackwood, she's 16 and a Junior.
Anyway Aine, whose name I can hardly pronounce, was spotted at Starbucks. And while she was there she ran into another girl, Sasha Reynolds.
Sasha sat across from her and they began to have a conversation.
Which turned out to be an argument about names or something, I don't honestly know.
But it ended with Aine spilling coffee all over Sasha.
So when that happened, Sasha defended herself and began to wipe herself off. And then Aine, apparently saw that Sasha was worthy of her time, handed her a few napkins and asked for her number.
Strange how the world works...
- Exposed 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday 2/12/13)

1. Bailey Rose Kennedy
2. Lacey Towns
3. Winter Clarkson
4. Sienna Aria
5. Jess Oregon
6. Ella DeWhite
7. Charlotte Ross
8. Rachel Ryland
9. Sasha Reynolds
10. Annabelle Carter

1. Louis Tomlinson
2. William Richards
3. Zayn Malik

1. Dylan Detetta

Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed 

Monday, February 11, 2013

The sweet sound of revenge.

Oh my word. Are you serious? Are you really serious?
Dylan and Lacey got into a fight.
So it started in the Cafeteria, when Rachel came in and ran into Lacey. They talked for a minute, before Lacey asked to borrow Rachel's phone to call home. Of course, she lets her, and Lacey goes outside.
Except for Lacey didn't actually call home, she called Dylan pretending to be Rachel and asked him to meet her in the woods.
Dylan actually bought it and went to the woods, and  was pretty ticked off ( to say the least) when he found out Lacey had tricked him. So he proceeds to ask why she brought him out here and she responds saying that she wanted revenge.
He kind of laughed it off, and she pinned him to a tree. After a while, Dylan managed to free himself and ended up punching her in the face. Lacey knocked him down, slapped him across the face and in response to this he kicked her in the face.
A little after Dylan left, new girl Sasha Reynolds walks in and sees Lacey crying. Sasha rushed over there and ended up taking her to Urgent Care.
I have a feeling that this is certainly far from over.
- Exposed 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reviews ( Wednesday February 6th, 2012)

Alas, it's Thursday. 
I'm still a little off my game here, and I have a lot of catching up to do. With that being said, this post might be a little long. Because this week, an enormous amount of things happened to pretty much everyone.
And of course, I have an opinion. 
So let's get this show on the road, already!
From A-Z, first name basis.

Annabelle: I'll give you some credit. You're smart. But, perhaps a little insane. I'd take it down a notch.
Austin: Oh darling, darling darling darling. So you got back together with Louis, only to be brutally murdered by some psychopath before the night was over. Woah. Rest In Peace. You weren't the most perfect person here, and you could've treated Louis a little better, but no one deserves to die the horrible death you did. No one. Have fun up there. 
Bailey Rose: You're lucky. I have nothing to say about you. Take that as a compliment. 
Charlotte: I honestly thought you would never get over Harry, so it was a huge surprise when you got together with Jordan. And I have to admit, I think you chose someone good. I wish you two the best!
Chris: Could there be something in the air between you and Jess? I mean, instead of running away when she had her freak out in the hallway, you stayed and comforted her. Aww! How cute! I wish you two the best aswell!
Dylan: Oh my word. When Austin died, did he give you the title of the the most confusing person here? First you save Sienna, and then you turn around and stab Winter?! What is wrong with you?!
Ella: I saw that thing between you and William in the Art Rooms. I'll have to keep an eye on you.
Jess: Darling, I'm starting to think you're schizophrenic. Because, seriously, a freak out in the middle of a hallway?! Something's not right, and with what happened with Rachel last year, it's the only logical explanation.
Jordan: Aww! You and Charlotte are cute, and like I said before, I wish you two the best! However, retrograde amnesia? That's a bummer.
Lacey: Giving Ramona advice, was a good move. But unfortunately, that didn't stop her from getting murdered.
Louis: Oh my word I have so much to say about you that I could write a full novel about it. However I'll try my best to keep it short and sweet. I'm still a little confused about the safe full of drugs. If you say you didn't use them, then why did you have them? Perhaps you're selling them maybe? Who knows. Anyway then this thing with Zayn, woah. A little fast moving if you think about it. From not even remembering who he was to telling him you loved him within less than a day, yeah I would consider that to be a little fast moving. However, given the fact that Austin's dead and Zayn really seems hooked on you, I'll give you some points and wish you the best.
 Rachel: I think you just unknowingly walked into a crap load of drama. 
Ramona: Poor little Ramona Wilson. You weren't even here for a full week, before you were murdered. A part of me wonders if the same person who murdered you, was the same person who murdered Austin? I mean, think about it. You two were both from Caldwell, murdered within the same week, and both stabbed. It's a strange thought, but perhaps, it could help the police. Rest In Peace, Ramona. Didn't know you all that well, but no one deserves to be stabbed to death.
Sienna: Darling, don't fall for Dylan. The kid is messed up. 
William: Something's a little off about you. I saw that you left the rink with Ramona, and then she never returned. Weird, very weird. However I'm sure it's nothing.
Winter: You were stabbed too, however you survived. Maybe the Caldwell Murderer is Dylan...who stabbed you. Given his history, it's something to consider. I'd call the cops, and report him. Before someone else gets killed.
Zayn: I knew it! I knew you had past connections to Louis! Because I thought the thing at the lake last year was a little odd. You've defiantly earned some points in my book though for saving Louis and pointing a gun at the person who murdered Austin. You should've shot him, but meh. You saved someone, so that's good enough. 

Well that's it for this week, darlings. I honestly believe that this is one of the longest posts I've ever written. 777 words, 4,226 characters ( including spaces). Insane, but oh well. 
Have a lovely week, darlings! 
- Exposed 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday February 5th, 2013)

I know, I'm a little late. I've been off my game all week, and I do apologize for that.

1. Sienna Aria
2. Winter Clarkson
3. Ella DeWhite
4. Charlotte Ross
5. Lacey Towns
6. Ramona Wilson
7. Jess Oregon
8. Rachel Ryland
9. Bailey Rose Kennedy
10. Annabelle Carter

1. Louis Tomlinson
2. Austin Carter
3. William Richards 
4. Jordan McCarthy
5. Dylan Detetta

- Exposed 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It'll make you cry, it'll make you sing.


Oh my word.
Louis and Austin...broke up again.
For the third time.
However, this time, it wasn't because of Alyssa.
It was Annabelle.
So Austin and Louis were going to go on this date, when Annabelle shows up while Louis was still getting ready. And begins to talk to Austin.
Small talk of course. Nothing really intense.
Then Louis walks out, and him and Austin leave.
But Annabelle stayed and what she did...was pretty despicable.
She broke into Louis' room. 
Yes, darlings, you heard me correctly.
She broke into his room.
She started going through his stuff, and at the end of a somewhat long search, she did find something.
A locked safe.
Annabelle managed to pry it open with a crow bar and what she found inside were numerous drugs. Most of which, were illegal.
And right as she found this out, give or take a few minutes, Austin and Louis come on. Because apparently, Austin left his wallet in his room or something. Annabelle hears that they're back, and leaves Louis' room. She sees them out in the living area, and tells them to come with her and leads them back into the room. Showing them the now open safe.
Which lead Austin to find his wallet buried in the safe, and breaking up with Louis.
- Exposed

Monday, February 4, 2013

It's a nice day, to start again.

It's been a very eventful day, or should I say night, at Studio 57.
There's a story to go with the statement, so I'm just going to get right into it.
So in the dorms, Lacey saw what was going on in the dorm with Dylan and Sienna, and noticed that Dylan was back. Assuming that Rachel didn't know that he was back (when, thanks to Winter, she did), Lacey decides to go tell her.
But she has no idea where Rachel is.
So she runs into Charlotte, who's pretty drunk, and asks where Rachel was.
In which Charlotte told her that she was working at Studio 57.
With that being said, Lacey and Charlotte left and went there.
As soon as they walk in, they spot Rachel and proceed to sit down.
Lacey told her about Dylan and Rachel said she already knew because of Winter.
Meanwhile, new kid Jordan McCarthy sits down next to Charlotte and begins to take a bunch of pictures. Char got a little curious and asked him what he was doing.
And Jordan went on to explain that he has retrograde amnesia and he was taking photos just in case he ever had another accident and lost his memories again.
The two went on to talking and then...
he kissed her!
On the forehead, but nonetheless it was still a kiss.
Jordan went on to apologize, but Charlotte wasn't mad. And he admitted to...
liking her.
And guess what?
She admitted to liking him back!
And then they left together!
Aww!  How cute!
Could Jordan and Charlotte actually...become a thing?
I guess we'll have to find out, won't we?
- Exposed