Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It started with a whisper...

Instead of writing some witty introduction I'm just going to get straight to the point.
Rachel knows.
She knows about Dylan. 
Like usual there's a story to go behind it, and I'm going to tell it to you.
So here it goes.
Yesterday afternoon, Winter went down to the Lake and ran into Dylan. However, since she's relativity new and came here after the incident, Winter didn't know who he was.
The next day, Winter runs into Rachel at Starbucks. They start a conversation and Rachel asked if Winter had met anyone here. She told her about her that she'd met a guy named Dylan and Rachel began to ask a few questions. Obviously to verify her assumption.
And Winter described Dylan to a tee.
Which lead Rachel to cause a small scene and freak out.
Oh the things that happen at Caldwell...
- Exposed

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