Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Don't you forget about me.


I apologize in advance if this gets sappy, but given the circumstances...you're gonna give me a free pass.
So I kind of got some...news.
Remember when I said Harry had a month to live ( if you don't, I'll save you from embarrassment and link you to this post. )? Well, apparently it was less.
Charlotte and Louis, along with Austin went and visited him this morning. Harry wished Austin and Louis the best and then Austin left.
This is where it gets sappy.
So after Austin leaves, Harry tells Char and Lou that he doesn't really have much time left and then did something I find cute.
He confessed his love for both of them.
He told Lou that he had always loved him, and still did. 
And then he told Charlotte that he loved her and the last couple of months had been the best.
Char and Harry hugged before...
he passed away in her arms.
Aww. How sweet and sad.
Rest in peace, Harry. You've certainly made your mark here, and you were one of the few people whose side I was on. You'll be missed.
- Exposed 

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