Sunday, January 13, 2013

No one gets out of here alive, Part Two


Nothing ever ends well, does it?
Not really. 
So in English, Charlotte saw Louis looking a little down and asked him what was wrong. Louis preceded to tell her that Austin had broken up with him for Alyssa and that it was over.
Then Char asks if he wanted Char to get rid of her under the condition that he has to distract Austin.
And he agrees. 
So Louis and Austin go out in the hallway and Charlotte and Alyssa leave and go off to somewhere that I don't know.
Anyway so Louis and Austin get into this fight in the hallway, which lead to Lou attacking Austin and Austin revealing he was a virgin before Lou slept with him.
Never thought Austin was a virgin...
Anywho the fight soon ended, with some blood and possibly tears.
Odd stuff...
- Exposed 

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