Monday, December 31, 2012

Reviews ( Monday December 31st, 2012)

Alas, here it is. The final Monday of 2012. What better way to celebrate than to hear my opinion on the students that attend here? Well there's a lot of ways, but for now. This is what you get. Enjoy.
From A-Z.

Alex: Apparently, someone did slap sense into you. Because you decided to take Lacey to some French Restaurant. Good move...I guess.
Arielle: Woah. When Char told you about Harry, I really didn't expect that reaction at all! I guess you're an actual friend than a flirt. Good for you, darling. 
Austin: Remember last week when I said I didn't have much of an opinion on you yet? Well I still really don't. But I do have something to say to you. You're officially running out of luck. Why? You'll have to find out.
Charlotte: You apologized and I have never been happier. Because it actually means you have a heart and that gives you some points on my board. However I still think your an alcoholic. Get some help, darling.
Clark: You and Hank have the most hilarious ship name out there...Chank. I wasn't going to say anything but I couldn't resist.
Hank: Glad you're not a crazy ex boyfriend like Dylan. I probably would've found that gun and shot you myself if you were. 
Harry: Forget everything, everything, I said about keeping a low profile and focus on getting better. Because you've got one month to live. In only a matter of days you'll be in a box underneath the ground, so do something with your final days. Get out of here, Harry, and live your life. Go somewhere, achieve your goals, do the things you've always wanted to do. Because you've only got a limited time to do them, before it's too late.
Lacey: I am really curious to see what's going to happen in this fancy French restaurant Alex took you too. I wonder if your " Do over first date" will end up like your actual first date, in tears.
Louis: I think you just unknowingly walked into a crap-load of drama.
Rachel: Guess you'll have to find another body guard, 'cause you know. Harry's dying. Wait-you didn't know? Well now you do. Wow, Rachel. You are really out of the loop.
Sebastian: New kid, not much to say.
Zayn: Woah, woah, woah. I find it extremely odd how you got so defensive over Louis when Austin called him a moron. You don't even know him! Or do? I guess we'll have to find out, won't we? 

See you in 2013, darlings.
- Exposed

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A spark to pierce the dark.

Friends? Austin and Louis sure seem to be spending a lot of time together lately. Including last night, when the two decided to take a dip into the lake and something started attacking Louis. Austin tried to save him and almost  succeeded. Notice I said almost? Well he did, but with Zayn's help. Since it was him who pulled them onto the pier.
I find it a little odd how he was there at the right time, but then again. Somethings are just a concidence.
- Exposed

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New bait, not surprised.

Oh look who showed up on our doorstep, another new kid.
His name's Sebastian Huntington. He's 17 and from Los Angeles California. 
First impression? Judging by that car he pulled up in and the way he looks, I say he's probably a pretty boy who's has access to his parents money and really no knowledge of the outside world at all. Now of course that's just an opinion and I could be wrong. But then again, I might be exactly right. 
We'll find out eventually, we always do.
- Exposed 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday December 25th 2012)

1. Charlotte Ross
2. Arielle Hastings
3. Clark Prewater
4. Lacey Towns
5. Rachel Ryland

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson
3. Austin Carter
4. Zayn Malik
5. Alex Gates 

No one on the Not List this week. Happy Holidays, darlings!
- Exposed

Monday, December 24, 2012

Death is a scary thing.

Oh wow. 
So after that fork stabbing incident, Charlotte went and visited Harry at the Hospital. At first it was going well until he broke some awful news to her.
He's only got a month to live.
Yes. One month. 30 or 31 days.
When Char heard this, she was shocked, just like everyone would expect. But then she did something that even I didn't see coming.
She apologized.
Charlotte apologized for everything. The lies, that thing with Josh, everything.
And then she told him that she loved him. But that's not even the beginning. 
Because Harry told her that he loved her too and then he preceded to kiss her.
Aww! How sweet!
I don't know if they're official again, but at least she apologized.
- Exposed 

Reviews ( Monday December 24th, 2012)

Give me an M! No. 
It's Monday, everybody. And once again we're here to listen to my opinion on the students who attend here and we all know how opinionated of a person I am. So let's get this show on the road.
From A-Z, first name basis.

Alex:  You suggested Applebee's for a date?! Oh my word. Are you serious?! Someone needs to slap some sense into you.
Arielle: I have to admit, you're one of the very few people around here that's actually smart. Just don't mess up.
Austin: Not much to say about you at the moment because even though you were here for a while back in the day, you're still somewhat new. I don't really have an opinion on you yet.
Charlotte:  I'm honestly starting to think you have a drinking problem, darling. Because it seems like every day you're either drunk or hung over. I've got some advice. Go to an AA meeting. Before someone else gets hurt.
Clark: Okay. Honestly I thought that thing with Hank was somewhat cute, but be careful. Relationships here at Caldwell never last long.
Dylan: So it looks like we DON'T have another copy of you in here. Good. Because we already have enough psychos.
Hank: Well lookie here! We've got a hopeless romantic. How sweet.
Harry: You've got a lot on your plate, so I suggest you lay low for a while. Focus on getting better.
Lacey: If Alex takes you to Applebee's, I'll spoil the end of that date for you. Someone will get hurt and someone will cry. It's happened every time.
Louis: What's this thing going on at the Lake with Austin? Hmm...interesting. 
Zayn: Okay, something about you makes me raise an eyebrow. Something's up with you, kid. Just haven't figured out what it is yet. But I will eventually. 

Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Love is a road filled with twists.

So yesterday Hank showed up at Clark's door, and apologized for being a jerk. She let him in and he explained how he thought she broke up with him because she liked someone else and that he was jealous. Clark told him that wasn't the case and at first she a little mad-that is until he pulled the trigger and started playing her a song he wrote. She started crying and Hank said that he loved her. Clark said that she loved him too and well it was quite cute.
I wonder what's in store for these two...
- Exposed

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Everything about you is a mystery.

Yeah I know. Another new student post. I've done one for Charlotte, Clark, Alex, Austin, Harry, Louis, Bella, Florence, Arielle, and Winter.  And now we have Zayn Malik, whose our latest addition to this crazy crowd.
Like the others, my first impression is that he's...quiet. But that's not all. There's something that makes him a little mysterious.
Everything happens for a reason, and we'll have to find out the reason behind this.
- Exposed

Extreme Sympathy.

Well after what seems like a long wait, I finally got some news on Harry. He's been admitted into the Hospital and apparently they took the fork out, replaced the stitches, and got a blood transfusion. Gah...
I'd say something like get well soon, but maybe it's best you stay in the Hospital. It's probably better than having a spoon shoved down your throat or something. With your luck, who knows.
- Exposed

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hot or Not list ( Tuesday December 18th, 2012)

1. Arielle Hastings
2. Charlotte Ross
3. Lacey Towns
4. Elizabeth Gates
5. Rachel Ryland

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson
3. Austin Carter
4. Alex Gates

1. Hank Rivers

- Exposed 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Reviews ( Monday December 17th, 2012)

Another Monday, eh? Time flies... 
Anyway, let's get this show on the road. Shall we?

Alex: So you're taking Lacey on a date, yeah? Well have fun! But just remember, I'll be watching your every move. 
Arielle: Apparently your quick thinking got Harry to a Hospital. That gets you some points on my list, but I'm still wondering why you were in the restaurant in the first place? Coincidental? Possibly. But maybe there's more to you than I thought...
Austin: Well after nearly two months of being gone, you've returned! Which probably was a stupid decision on your part. You don't even want to know what has been going on around here.
Charlotte:  So your new boyfriend turned out to have a rage problem and stabbed Harry in the shoulder...with a fork. That's just low. Even I think you could do better. Dump the loon and find someone who doesn't qualify to be in a mental hospital to be used as a rebound.
Clark: I see you're still keeping a low profile. Smart move.
Hank: I still find you incredibly annoying. That will never change.
Harry: You have the worst string of bad luck I have ever seen in my entire life. And now with this fork business...ouch.
Lacey: So a date with Alex, eh? Have a good time! I'll still be watching your every move.
Louis: You don't even know what happened to Harry, don't you? Man you are out of the loop. 
Rachel: Oddly enough, I really don't have anything to say to you. Consider it a good thing.
Winter: Our semi-new kid. I've got some advice for you. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 

And that's all I have to say for today. Have a wonderful week, darlings.
- Exposed

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh no...

So a little while ago, I voiced my opinion on Lacey and Alex becoming a "thing" ( if you want to see that post, which there's no doubt in my mind that you do, click here.) and you would think that I'd prove myself right once again.
Well hold the phone! Stop whatever you're doing! 
Because in the Student Lounge earlier, he asked her out for a re-do first date.
And she said yes.
Well since the last first date ended up with a trip to the Hospital, one can only imagine what will happen this time.

I'll be watching, darlings.
- Exposed 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Blast from the past!

Does anyone remember Austin Carter? No? Well I'm not surprised. He really didn't make headlines, but he came here a couple months ago as a new student. In the same batch as Alex and Harry. He was here for a while and BAM! He disappeared off the face of the earth. Without an explanation or anything.
After assuming he just left, I didn't really pay much attention to it. Until now, when he was spotted in the Dorms. Odd...
A lot has happened since you left, Austin. Let me tell you something too, you were better off wherever you were than here.
- Exposed

It stings like a bee.

You should always, I repeat always, listen to me. Because 99.9% of the time when I say something isn't going to end well, I'm right. It doesn't end well and in this case, I was right again.
Apparently, Harry and Josh got into this fight and Josh stabbed him in the shoulder with a fork. Yeah, a fork. Normally that wouldn't do much damage but,as you may or may not know, Harry was shot in the same shoulder just a few weeks ago and the fork broke his stitches. Causing blood to just ooze out everywhere.
That lead up to Charlotte to start cleaning the wound, and Arielle to call an ambulance.
- Exposed

Welcome to the Jungle.

Another new kid. Oh joy.
Her name is Winter Clarkson, and to be honest she's been here for a while. I just didn't report on it until now.
Welcome to the Jungle, Winter. I hope that you'll survive.
- Exposed

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nothing ever good comes out of Applebee's.


Well it's certainly been an...interesting day in the neighborhood. A very very interesting day.
Want to know why? Alright, I will. As always there's a story to back the statement. So here it goes.
Charlotte and Josh decided to go on their first date, and out of all the places in the area, they decide to go to Applebee's. Yep, Applebee's. The very same restaurant where Charlotte and Harry broke up the first time. They went there. Unusual, but that's not even the beginning.
Harry decided to have lunch there and ran into Arielle. The two got a table together and started talking. Everything was going well before Harry saw Char and Josh, right as they kissed. And then it all started going downhill.
After talking to Arielle, Harry decides to go over to their table and confront them. When he does, Josh wasn't too thrilled to see him and got a little snappy. To my surprise, Char kept quiet.
 So far this is all I know, but I've got a feeling this isn't going to end well at all...
- Exposed

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hot Or Not List ( December 11th, 2012)

1. Arielle Hastings
2. Charlotte Ross
3. Lacey Towns
4. Elizabeth Gates
5. Rachel Ryland
6. Clark Prewater

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson
3. Alex Gates

1. Hank Rivers 

- Exposed

Monday, December 10, 2012

Reviews ( December 10th, 2012)

It's Monday already? Guess it's time for you to hear my brutally honest opinion on the people who attend this joint, good for you. So here it goes.
From A-Z
Arielle: You've only been here a few days and you're already on the Queen's bad side. You're the fourth one and that's not a good thing.
Charlotte:  What was that little scene at Applebee's?! Your wedding?! No. It was your first date, and I personally think you're moving way too fast. You barely know the guy so slow it down!
Hank: You annoy me. End of discussion.
Harry:  Charlotte seems to be moving on fast, and so do you. But at least you've known Louis for more than a couple of days.
Lacey: I really have nothing to say about you right now. Take that as a compliment. Because it could be totally different next week.
Louis:  Despite the fact that you and Harry kissed and you're out of the Hospital, I don't have much to say about you either! Odd how the world works, isn't it?
Rachel:  I've been having mixed reactions on you all year. Either you're depressed and drag people down with year, or you're bright and happy and a hero. You are one strange person...

Well that's all for now. Have a lovely week, darlings.
- Exposed

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I don't think it's going to happen.

I've got a question for you. Does anyone remember that thing between Lacey and Alex? No? Well I'll recap.
It was before Charlotte met Harry and during the infamous feud, when Char dented her car. Lacey went to Elizabeth and told her all about it and Elizabeth sent her to Alex, her brother, to get the car fixed.
So he did, and afterwords he asked Lacey on a date, the same night of the hit and run, and we all know what happened after that. 
But one question always kind of remained in my head, does Alex still like Lacey? After that one date the two pretty much drifted apart. Alex and Elizabeth kind of disappeared and Lacey got caught up in Rachel's drama. But you can't help but wonder.
Well I honestly don't think these two are going to happen. Whatever feelings Alex had for her, have seemingly disappeared. It was a one time thing that didn't work. I honestly think that Lacey thinks that this could lead into some sort of relationship but I just don't think it's going to happen.
- Exposed

Saturday, December 8, 2012

And she bounces back.

Okay, well it looks like the Queen moved on!
She was spotted on a date at Applebee's with Josh Westell, one of the Seniors, and guess what?
Just take a wild guess.
They kissed!
Yeah I know! Crazy, right? You would think she would go through that whole post-breakup stage. Sit around and mope, watch a few breakup movies to ease the pain, break out the tissues and cry cry cry. Then afterwords start enjoying single life, and continue her party girl lifestyle and meet another guy. 
But that isn't the case! She's moved on! 
You can't help but wonder what Harry's reaction will be to this. I'm still trying to decide if it will be good...or bad.
Have a nice weekend, darlings.
- Exposed

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Louis + Harry= A couple?


 Louis was released from the Hospital. And his return was everything but subtle.
As I said in this post before Charlotte disappeared, Harry was the last person she talked to.
What I didn't mention is that near the end of their conversation, Louis pops in.
And they kissed! They kissed right in front of her!
I know two people who aren't going to be very happy about this.
One of them, of course, is Charlotte. When this happened she didn't do anything but you could tell that, internally, she was ticked.
The other is Arielle. She probably will think he lead her on or something because he asked for her number.

This isn't going to be very pretty.
- Exposed

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

She's alive!

Well I've got some good news.
Charlotte's alive.
She walked in the Lounge, holding onto Rachel for a reason I'll explain in a minute,  just in time to see Arielle give Harry her number. 
And boy was she ticked.
So Harry and Char get into this argument  which ended in a halt when Char mentioned that she was laying in an alley unconscious for three days. 
That's how long she's been gone, three days. 
She didn't tell the story, but apparently someone drugged her and she passed out.
And when she fell, she hit her head a little hard. So thinking she might have a concussion, Harry persuaded her to go to the Hospital to get herself checked out and see if she's okay. 
No word yet on how's she's doing, but I'll update you as soon as something happens.
- Exposed 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Run, Clark, Run.

Oh no. Hank's back. 
Just when I thought he'd given up, there he goes showing up in the Lounge. After that stunt he pulled at the Dinner Party, and Char got all over him, he'll regret coming here. We all know it.
I'd run for your life, Clark. This ride isn't going to be pretty.
- Exposed

Hot or Not List (Tuesday December 4th, 2012)

1. Charlotte Ross
2. Arielle Hastings
3. Lacey Towns
4. Rachel Ryland
5. Elizabeth Gates

1.Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson

No one on the Not list? Yeah, well I'm just being nice. There's someone who could be on there, but I'm too much into the Holiday spirit to put them on there.
You're lucky...
- Exposed

Ding dong the Queen might be dead...or not.


 Charlotte's missing? 
Apparently that's what Rachel thinks, and well I never thought I'd say it but...
Rachel  makes a good  point.
Charlotte hasn't really been seen since Friday, despite the fact that her car is still in the parking lot. Which even though in this school, where crazy is normal, I find that a little odd. Just a little.
Before she suddenly disappeared  the last person she talked to was Harry. Who broke up with her not too long before. 
You wanna know who else she talked to?
Arielle Hastings.
And in the Lounge earlier it was obvious that Arielle was flirting with, none other than, Harry.
I'm starting to think Char either did something to herself or it's a stunt for attention.
I guess we'll have to find out, won't we?
- Exposed

Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekly Reviews ( December 3rd, 2012)

Ah, here we are again. Looks like a lot of secrets came out this week.
From A-Z

Arielle: Our new new girl, who isn't innocent at all. It was obvious you were flirting with Harry in the Lounge. I could tell, and I'm an expert at this.
Charlotte: Aw, so you're colorblind eh? Don't really care. Oh and by the way, how's the single life? Awful isn't it? 
Clark: Haven't seen you since the dinner party. Keeping a low profile I suppose?
Elizabeth: Same old, same old. You pop out of your shadow again. Good to hear. 
Harry: I still feel sorry for you, and I'm glad you broke it off with the liar. She deserved it.
Jessica: Why am I even bothering with this?! You haven't even stepped on campus yet! 
Lacey: Hey! I've got some news for you! You're adopted! Oh wait, you already knew that. Well now everyone else does. Sorry.
Louis: I'm starting to feel sympathetic for you, it must really hurt to have glad in the back of your head...
Rachel: I officially like you again. You're lucky.

Anyway, that's all for now. Have a wonderful week, darlings.
- Exposed

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Be scared, because now I know.

It looks like our innocent Lacey has a secret.
And I'll tell you it right now. She's adopted.
Apparently her "brother" accidentally came clean in the Lounge, and slipped that little detail out. Thinking she told them already.
Well he was wrong, because she didn't. And then Lacey did a very typical Lacey thing.
She started crying. 
Shocker, right?! No. If you haven't figured it out by now, Lacey usually cries whenever something goes wrong.  Thankfully Rachel calmed her down before anything else happened, but you can't help but wonder what happened...
- Exposed

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Our latest addition to the Caldwell crowd.

We're getting a lot of new students nowadays, so I'm trying to be creative and think of more interesting title names. Our latest one, was spotted at the Junior Bonfire and her name is Arielle. Arielle Givenchy.
Not much to say about Arielle, as of yet, but I'm sure there will be. 
As for my advice? Well you're going to have to find out what goes on here at Caldwell for yourself.  I'm not here to help, I'm here to gossip and prove myself right.
Have fun!
- Exposed