Friday, November 30, 2012

This is the end, my only friend, the end.

Wow. Just wow. 
Harry broke up with Charlotte. Yeah, you heard me. He broke up with her.
Like usual, there's a story to back up the statement so here it goes.
So, despite his current health conditions, Harry decided to show up at the annual bonfire. While he was there he ran into Rachel, who he hasn't seen since Dylan shot him a few weeks ago. At first she was a little surprised but after a while they got to talking. And then he asks her about Charlotte, which I'm assuming he found out about what she did to Louis, and if there's another side to her or something.
And she said yes.
Rachel went onto explain everything that Charlotte didn't tell him. Like the feud between her and Lacey back in the day, and how she lied to him about Rachel being her close friend and all of the other things the Queen did. 
Harry's reaction was expected, the awful mix of hurt and betrayal. So when Char finally showed up, he confronted her. Breaking off their relationship. 
These next couple of weeks are certainly going to be worth watching. 
- Exposed

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Looks like Charlotte and Louis got into yet another fight, this time at Studio 57, and now he's in the  Hospital.
Apparently Charlotte threw a bottle or something at him and he passed out from the impact.
I'm starting to question if Charlotte has an anger problem. I was honestly hoping Harry might've changed her ways, but I'm clearly wrong. 
Get well soon Lou. I'm starting to have sympathy for you. 
- Exposed

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hot or Not List (November 27th, 2012)

1. Charlotte Ross
2. Clark Prewater
3. Rachel Ryland
4. Lacey Towns

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson

Looks like no-one's on the Not list this week, good job. But that all could change within a week's watch out.
- Exposed

Yet another new student.

Well, according to the forums that I have access of, we have a new student coming. Good to hear.
Her name's Jessica Oregon, she's 17 and of course she's a Junior. 
Now I'm trying in every single way possible to prevent another innocent person be brainwashed by a psycho  So yet again I'm going to be a half way decent person and give the poor girl some advice. Because let's face it, she's going to need it.
Alright, so my piece of advice? Well here it goes.
When I gave Florence advice, I mentioned not to make it obvious if you have a secret. You should listen to that. And now listen to this.
Don't trust anyone. Not here anyway. The students here aren't really trustworthy, with the exception of Lacey and maybe Rachel. Read my reviews to understand what I'm talking about. Anyway, my point is, don't trust anyone here. Or at least be cautious! 
I'm going to hop off, now. Have a nice day/afternoon/night darlings.
And Jessica? Watch out, we're told we can get a little over dramatic. 
- Exposed

Monday, November 26, 2012

Reviews (November 26th, 2012)

Well, well, well. Another week has passed. Time flies, doesn't it?
From A-Z:

Charlotte: I have so many things to say about you, that I could write a book about it. But I'll keep this short and sweet. You're paranoid, darling. So you go accuse Louis of trying to ruin your relationship, but with the way you're acting I think you're the one who might ruin it. 
Clark: You and Rachel have so much in common! Like how you both have crazy boyfriends who are also stalkers! You two could be good friends.
Dylan: Looks like we've got a copy of you in here, Hank or whatever. I wonder how you'd react to this...
Hank: You remind me of Dylan in so many ways that's it's not even funny.
Harry: You're dating a loon. Sorry, but I had to say it. If you could only see how Charlotte's been acting while you're in the Hospital, you'd probably break up with her in a second.
Lacey: I've got some advice. Stay out of whatever drama Charlotte has. Because it just won't end well...
Louis:  If you want to get back at Charlotte, you should rat her out to Harry. If my best friend was dating a nut, I'd certainly want him to know.
Rachel: I see you're taking my advice! I told you staying out of the spotlight would work! You should listen to me more often.

- Exposed

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Charlotte officially snaps.

Well, it looks the Queen has finally snapped. Just like I knew she would.
So I told you all about how Charlotte got into a small argument with Clark's boyfriend, Hank. Well what I didn't tell you is what happened after.
Here it goes:
So after she got into that little argument  she starts acting a little weird. For about ten minutes she didn't say much, before getting up and leaving. Everything kind of settled down, until she walked back in. 
And this is where it gets interesting.
As I said before, she walks back into the Auditorium and yells the words " I'm out!" to Louis. Which, of course, turned heads. The two start to get into an argument  and then Lacey tries to jump in, with hopes that this would all stop. Then Charlotte starts yelling at her too. Lacey's brother, Keith, steps in and tries to defend Lacey. But then Louis and Charlotte tell him to back off and continue their fight. Which was basically about how Louis was trying to ruin her relationship. Louis denied it and tried to play the innocent card, but Char wouldn't have it and continued to accuse him. Louis finally had enough and left. Which was probably a smart move. Considering that Charlotte doesn't let things go easily.
This is exactly why it pays off to stay out of the spotlight, like I do. You get to sit back and watch all of the drama unfold. And then use it to prove yourself right. Which on multiple occasions, I've done. Because I've seen it all.
Have a nice day, darlings.
- Exposed

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Not this, oh please not this. No. No. NO!

Oh no. Not another crazy boyfriend. Not this again.
It looks like Clark's boyfriend, Hank, is quite crazy. Like usual there's a story behind it. So I'm going to tell you.
So apparently, Hank ignored Clark's request to break up with him. Clark introduced him to Charlotte and Louis, who were at the same table as her. And the whole time she was kind Like she didn't want him around. Louis picked up on this and snapped at him, and towards the end Charlotte jumped in and started yelling at him, trying to steal his visitor's pass.
Unfortunately she didn't get it.
What's worse? Hank's enrolling here. As a student.
You know who he reminds me of? Dylan Detetta. The crazy ex-boyfriend, who tried to kill Rachel on multiple occasions, and now is behind bars at Antioch County Prison. Just look at the similarities from past posts and what's going on. With the exception that Dylan's from London, and was trying to kill Rachel, not get back with her. I wonder what his reaction would be to all of this, if he found out. I'm sure he will because of Charlotte's little plan to go visit. Don't forget to bring pepper spray!
- Exposed

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Say what?!

What's this?
So it looks like Clark's boyfriend finally made an appearance at the Dinner Party. You know, the same one as mentioned in this post ( which was written before Harry got together with Charlotte, so it's kind of irrelevant...). I thought that Clark broke up with him? I guess not, because he's here.
I guess we're going to find out a little more about Clark. 
- Exposed

Advice for the new girl.

I know this is already a little late, but better late than never.
So it looks like we have another new student. Her name's Florence Wren and she's 16.
Now since she's new in the middle of the year, I'm going to be a halfway decent person and give her some advice.
First off if you have a secret, which either you do or you don't, try not to make it obvious that you have one. Because I'll pick up on it and then it goes downhill from there. Rachel's a living example of that.
That's all the advice I'm going to give you. It'll come in handy later.
- Exposed

Hot or Not List (November 20th, 2012)

1. Charlotte Ross*
2. Lacey Towns
3. Clark Elizabeth Prewater
4. Florence Wren
5. Bella Wood
6. Elizabeth Gates

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson


1. Rachel Ryland

* Charlotte's on here because she's had some halfway decent drama this week. Thought I'd be nice and give her a chance.

- Exposed

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner Party 2012, a time to be thankful and watch all of the drama unfold.

Well it's that time of year again, the Holidays. And this year's Dinner Party was certainly one to remember, especially since everyone's still shaken over what happened to Harry in the woods. 

Let's start off with that little fight between Louis and Rachel, shall we?
So Rachel decides the show up, despite the fact that she's still guilty for what happened. Louis, who I think was only there to tell Charlotte about Harry, finally cracks. Telling her that she didn't even care. Rachel kept silent for a minute, which is why I'm assuming Louis thought he was right and then left. 
Obviously, Rachel wasn't going to let him win the argument so she followed him and interrupted his conversation with Florence, the new girl. She starts yelling at him about her guilt. And it goes on from there...
Rachel I suggest you should keep a low profile for a while, okay? Instead of creating scenes like this. It's only going to make me hate you more than I already do.
Moving on...
So while the little fight was going on, Charlotte disappeared into the parking lot. Apparently she was talking to people at the prison arranging a visit with, out of all people, Dylan. I knew he'd somehow be involved in her little revenge plan. 
Speaking of Dylan, on a completely different note, I wonder how he's doing in the slammer. I guess when Charlotte goes down there, we'll find out.
As for the other students:

Clark was there, and sat at the table with Charlotte and Louis. Not the best choice for people to sit with, but hey. It's your life.

Lacey was there at the beginning, talking to Charlotte. Then her brother came and when the fight started, she ran out of the auditorium. Good idea. Although it was certainly something worth watching.

As I said a few posts ago, our other new girl, Bella, decided to show. She didn't really say or do much, but you could tell that something was bothering her. Because the whole time she was acting a little awkward. I know one thing, this girl has a secret. But what could it be? I'll find out, sooner or later.

Reviews ( November 19th, 2012)

Alright, here it goes. 
From A-Z

Alex: You finally come out from your hiding place, good. We were all starting to think you were dead. I wonder if you still like Lacey...
Bella: Basically the same thing I said last week, the new girl. There's not much to say about you...yet.
Charlotte: Well you certainly play a lot of roles. Supportive girlfriend by day, evil genius planning revenge by night. I'm sure Harry would dump you if he heard what you were doing.
Clark: Another one of the quiet ones. I said this before, but whatever, stay that way. It's the only safe option. Or maybe it isn't. 
Dani: Heard you told Charlotte to go to an AA meeting. I've been saying that since the day she got here. We could get along really well.
Dylan: I have never been happier! Why? because you're behind bars! Yay! Although you should've dragged that crazy ex of yours with you. 
Elizabeth: There's something about you that isn't right. Same goes for your brother. 
Florence: I guess Bella's new girl title goes to you! Welcome to Caldwell, which if you haven't guessed by now, is a living nightmare. Enjoy your stay!
Harry: I pity you. I really do.  First you get shot, and now you have cancer? Ouch. Get well soon.
Lacey: You almost ruined it. Almost. You're lucky that the cops came just in time or else Dylan probably would've escaped.
Louis: You and Charlotte are despicable. Well, for now anyway. I'll find out your little plan somehow. Just watch and see. 
Rachel: I could go on for days about how much I dislike you. Ever since day one, I knew you were hiding something and I was right! And I thought Louis and Charlotte were're worse. In a way I'm actually supportive of whatever revenge plan is coming towards you. I hope you're sorry, Rachel. I hope you're sorry.

- Exposed

Saturday, November 17, 2012

All's fair in love and war.

Looks like the Queen's declaring war, against Rachel. And she's not alone.
Apparently at the Dinner Party, Charlotte told Louis the whole story. About that phony promise that Harry made to Rachel back in the day. Louis, who wasn't even here when it happened, was shocked and told Charlotte that he thought that Rachel didn't even care that Harry was in the Hospital, much less knowing that he had cancer. And Charlotte agreed, saying that Rachel was heartless and wanted Harry dead. So then Charlotte reveals that she's plotting a revenge plan, to get back at her. And Louis jumps in.
Now I don't know exactly what this plan is, exactly, but I have a general idea who's going to be involved.
Dylan, Rebecca and Lacey.
I know what you're thinking. Why those three?
Well I'll tell you why.
They each have ties to Rachel.
Dylan: Rachel's ex boyfriend, has several motives to kill Rachel. And has tried on multiple occasions.
Rebecca: Rachel's sister, the same one who saved her when she was stabbed.
Lacey: Rachel's best friend and Rachel's secret keeping buddy.
If only Harry knew what Charlotte was up to...
- Exposed

Sweetheart, I have to confess.

Okay. I should warn you that this post might get a little sappy. Sorry. 
At the dinner party, Louis comes up to Charlotte and tells her that she needs to visit Harry, who's still in the Hospital, because he has some news for her. 
So the next day, she does. And the news...well it wasn't very good.
Anyway, about 10 minutes into the visit, he tells her that while they were testing him for lead poisoning, they found something else, a tumor. And that he has cancer.
Charlotte's reaction? Well she was shocked, but here's the thing that shocks me most:
She promised to stand by him.
I honestly thought maybe she'd leave him or something, but no. She's going to support him, and get him through this? Aw, how sweet.
Maybe my earlier impressions on this relationship were, to say the least, wrong but depending on what happens it might not last for different reasons...
- Exposed

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The ugly truth.

Oh wow.
So at the Hospital, waiting for the cops, Dylan finally cracks. He basically told Lacey that she's an annoying twerp who's been out to get him since day one. And guess what Lacey did? Just guess.
She started crying!
Lacey, that had to be the most dumbest re-action ever. You should've fought back and stood your ground! You had him right where you wanted him, in fear, and then you throw it all away by crying?! I hate to say it but you just lost the upper-hand, and once you lose that... it's all over. 
- Exposed

Another one comes out of the shadows.

Yesterday it was the Gates siblings and now it's our new student, Bella, who's finally came out of the shadows.
Ever since the Woods incident ( I find this hilarious because her last name is Wood. Coincidence much?) Bella and everyone else has pretty much been in hiding. By that I mean everyone's been cautious, sleeping with one eye open. Afraid that they might be next. So with this Dinner Party, people have been appearing but instead of coming alone they have either siblings or friends with them. Which I don't think makes a difference, since when Harry was shot there was other people who witnessed it.
Be careful, darlings. 
- Exposed

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Look who's back!

Here's another two people who've came out of hiding. Elizabeth and Alex Gates. Until today, when they were spotted at the Dinner Party. 
Alex hasn't been seen since Rachel got hit by a car, and that was weeks ago. And Elizabeth? The last time anyone saw her was on the roof-top talking to Lacey. And even then she was acting a I'm starting to get this vibe that they're hiding something. It's pretty obvious, because when they talk about something they don't want anyone else to hear they speak in Russian. No one here knows Russian. But I'll take up the opportunity to learn it to prove myself right.
- Exposed

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weekly reviews (November 12th, 2012)

From A-Z.
Bella: New girl, not much to say besides "Good Luck."
Charlotte: With Harry in the hospital, she's been acting a lot nicer towards Louis. Trying to decide if this is a good or bad thing.
Clark Elizabeth: 4 words: Out of the loop. She knows nothing. 
Dylan: Rachel's crazy psychopath boyfriend who I hope spends the rest of his life in an orange jumpsuit with handcuffs around his wrist. 
 Harry: I feel sorry for you. You were shot for pretty much no reason. Well besides the fact that you were trying to protect Rachel. I guess the saying is true. " No good dead goes unpunished." 
Lacey: Looks like we have a new hero. At least you called the cops on the whack job.
Louis: Looks like Charlotte doesn't hate you anymore. You're lucky.
Rachel: Guilty. Just plain out guilty. So you drag your sister down here to ease the pain? I think you need to apologize, darling.
- Exposed

Liberty and justice for all.

After what seems like forever, Lacey finally called the cops on Dylan. Finally! I don't care if Rachel cheated on him, this nut needs to be locked up. Pronto.
- Exposed

Hot Or Not List: Tuesday November 13th, 2012

Pretty much the same as last weeks, just changed the order.
1. Rachel Ryland
2. Lacey Towns
3. Charlotte Ross
4. Clark Prewater

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson

1. Dylan Detetta


Looks like Rachel finally came out of her shell, and she brought someone with her. 
It's her older sister, Rebecca.
It looks like Rebecca will be here for a couple of days, and these two have a lot of catching up to do.
- Exposed

Monday, November 12, 2012


I've noticed that these last couple of days it's been pretty quiet.
By quiet I mean little to no drama.
Now you would think I'd freak out over something like this, right?
Ahaha, no.
See usually when there's a quiet spell like this, it's leading up to something big.
I'm talking big.
And trust me, it will happen. Even if I have to make it happen.
- Exposed

Oh look a dinner party! I wonder how this will end...

It's that time of the year, the Holidays. And of course Caldwell throws this little thing every year-the Thanksgiving Dinner Party.
Simple event really, not as glamorous as Homecoming but over the years I've noticed that it happens to be the most controversial. People talk, and things can get dramatic. Last year there was some crazy girl who had a mental breakdown, or at least that's what I heard anyway.
Be prepared, darlings.
- Exposed

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Guilty or cold-hearted?

Has anyone else noticed how distant Rachel's been these last couple of days? She's always been on the edge of the loop but she's been pretty much invisible since Dylan shot Harry. 
I say either she's feeling really guilty or she's like her ex-boyfriend-heartless. 
I guess we'll have to find out...
- Exposed

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Word of mouth is a very powerful thing.

Remember when I said that someone would eventually tell Louis about what happened to Harry? Well it looks like I was right. Charlotte left the Hospital and went back over to the Dorms, waking him up and telling him what happened.
Now in a way I kind of didn't expect this. Ever since the day these two met Charlotte kind of hated him, for reasons I don't even know, and she even went to the far extent of smashing his windshield ( which by the way, is Charlotte's trademark. Remember her and Lacey's feud and that infamous incident where she smashed her windshield? It wasn't that long ago..) so now that she had the heart to tell Louis about what happened is a little shocking.
But I could be wrong when I say Charlotte telling Louis was a good thing. Harry and Louis have a past, and besides Charlotte, he's the only person Louis knows. And given the situation, it can be a real emotional strain. We'll have to see how everything works out, but remember this kids, somethings are best left untold.
- Exposed

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hot or Not List ( November 6th 2012)

1. Charlotte Ross
2. Lacey Towns
3. Rachel Ryland
4. Clark Prewater

1. Harry Styles
2. Louis Tomlinson

1. Dylan Detetta

Revenge is a dish best served cold


Well it looks like after a little hard work, Charlotte and Lacey found Dylan. Apparently after he shot Harry, he admitted himself into St. John's hospital. Charlotte, who in the past has shown that she isn't someone you don't want to mess with, surprisingly let Lacey do all of the talking when they found him. As a matter of fact, when they confronted him the first time, Charlotte mostly kept quiet. From past experience we all know that Charlotte isn't afraid to make a scene so this is something a little odd for her. But I kind of expected this from Lacey, who's probably tired of being a victim.
Lacey threatened revenge and Dylan ( who by the way is still King of the Psychopaths.) still doesn't believe her.
So here's the run down:
Rachel's not really doing anything about it, Harry's still in the Hospital and I have no idea what his condition is, Dylan needs to check himself into a Mental Hospital because he really needs help, Charlotte's being suspicious, Lacey's planning revenge, as far as I know Clark still doesn't know that Rachel was hit by a car-much less knowing that Harry was shot and the same goes for Louis. Although I'm pretty sure someone will crack the news to him because him and Harry's history.
- Exposed

New Student

It looks like we have another new student!
Her name is Bella Wood, and she was spotted in the Art Rooms earlier this afternoon.
First impression? She seems quiet, but then again at first they all do. So we'll have to watch and see what happens.
- Exposed