Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Yet another new student.

Well, according to the forums that I have access of, we have a new student coming. Good to hear.
Her name's Jessica Oregon, she's 17 and of course she's a Junior. 
Now I'm trying in every single way possible to prevent another innocent person be brainwashed by a psycho  So yet again I'm going to be a half way decent person and give the poor girl some advice. Because let's face it, she's going to need it.
Alright, so my piece of advice? Well here it goes.
When I gave Florence advice, I mentioned not to make it obvious if you have a secret. You should listen to that. And now listen to this.
Don't trust anyone. Not here anyway. The students here aren't really trustworthy, with the exception of Lacey and maybe Rachel. Read my reviews to understand what I'm talking about. Anyway, my point is, don't trust anyone here. Or at least be cautious! 
I'm going to hop off, now. Have a nice day/afternoon/night darlings.
And Jessica? Watch out, we're told we can get a little over dramatic. 
- Exposed

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