Sunday, November 25, 2012

Charlotte officially snaps.

Well, it looks the Queen has finally snapped. Just like I knew she would.
So I told you all about how Charlotte got into a small argument with Clark's boyfriend, Hank. Well what I didn't tell you is what happened after.
Here it goes:
So after she got into that little argument  she starts acting a little weird. For about ten minutes she didn't say much, before getting up and leaving. Everything kind of settled down, until she walked back in. 
And this is where it gets interesting.
As I said before, she walks back into the Auditorium and yells the words " I'm out!" to Louis. Which, of course, turned heads. The two start to get into an argument  and then Lacey tries to jump in, with hopes that this would all stop. Then Charlotte starts yelling at her too. Lacey's brother, Keith, steps in and tries to defend Lacey. But then Louis and Charlotte tell him to back off and continue their fight. Which was basically about how Louis was trying to ruin her relationship. Louis denied it and tried to play the innocent card, but Char wouldn't have it and continued to accuse him. Louis finally had enough and left. Which was probably a smart move. Considering that Charlotte doesn't let things go easily.
This is exactly why it pays off to stay out of the spotlight, like I do. You get to sit back and watch all of the drama unfold. And then use it to prove yourself right. Which on multiple occasions, I've done. Because I've seen it all.
Have a nice day, darlings.
- Exposed

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