Sunday, March 31, 2013

Reviews (Sunday March 31st, 2013)

Happy Sunday!
I apologize for the lateness, kind of slipped my mind here.
I've got a lot to say and a lot to do so let's get this show on the road already!

From A to Z, first name basis: 
Alex: You have no idea what you got yourself into...
Amber: Okay, you just confuse me. It's already insane enough that you were all nice and happy to Alex but harsh and kind of mean to Ella. But the fact that you introduced yourself as Daphne to one and Amber to the other is insane.
Annabelle: Just heard about your little fight with Winter in the slammer. Ouch.
Charlotte: I'm still trying to figure out when you and Lacey became friends...
Dylan: I might just make a separate post explaining my thoughts on your situation because I have a LOT to say.
Ella: I'm sure that was a weird enough encounter. But there's a lot more you don't know.
Lacey: You're still missing and I'm starting to get concerned...
Nick: New guy and frankly I like you already.
Rachel: Didn't know you and Ray had some sort of rivalry. But I guess it makes sense.
Ray: I knew there was a reason why you and Dylan were such good friends. I knew it.
Sienna: That text was...quite insane and I can see why Dylan would get riled up on it. But the question is, did you actually try to kill yourself?
Winter: Je vais vous demander comment la prison, mais je pense que la réponse est évidente.

Have a lovely week, darlings.
- Exposed

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

And I ran, I ran so far away.

Oh no...
Lacey's missing.
No one has seen her since that little trip with Rachel at the mall. Which didn't end well at all.
And now look, she's gone.
I wonder if she did...anything to herself as a result of what happened with Rachel ( which was Rachel kind of wasn't paying attention when they were at the mall and Lacey got the vibe that Rachel didn't really want to be there)?
Guess we'll have to find out...
- Exposed 

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday March 26th, 2013)

I am so, so, so sorry that this is late. I was a tad bit busy yesterday but...
here it is.

1. Ella DeWhite
2. Winter Clarkson
3. Alex Murray
4. Ray Micheals
5. Lacey Towns
6. Samantha Owens
7. Sienna Aria
8. Annabelle Carter
9. Amber Roberts
10. Rachel Ryland

1. Dylan Detetta

- Exposed 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reviews ( Wednesday March 20th, 2013)

From A to Z, first name basis:
Alex: Not much to say about you, except I hope you'll survive.
Amber: Take what I said to Alex, and apply it to yourself.

Annabelle: How's life behind bars?
Charlotte: Good to see your doing something decent for once..
Dylan: So you get your revenge, eh? Well honestly I'm glad. Winter's proven to be quite insane - 
but I have a feeling this new found freedom of yours won't last long.
Ella: Not much to say about you, let's keep it that way.
Jess: I find you and Chris rather cute, but, he likes you, so take a chance and stop running away.
Jordan: I don't have much to say but I feel bad for you, darling.
Lacey: Find some new friends who will pay attention to you and not text.
Rachel: You went with Lacey out of pity, didn't you? It's kind of obvious since you were barely 
paying attention and just texting.
Ray: Honestly, I kind of see why you'd shoot Rachel.
Samantha: So you got thrown in jail as well, eh? Well if you want to stay away from there I'd find
some new friends that aren't Annabelle.
Sienna: I hope you're doing okay with that text..
Winter: You've been put where you belong, darling.
- Heard But Not Seen

A few unfamiliar faces to complete the crowd.

Well it's been a while since I made a direct new student post. Lately I've been just subtly mentioning new students in other posts but...
with this situation I couldn't really avoid it. 

So we have, not one, but two new students to report on today.
Oh joy.
First there's Amber Roberts, a 16 year old Junior from Chicago. 
Then there's Alex Murray. A 17 year old Junior who's from Brooklyn.
Now these two ended up meeting each other in the courtyard and sparked up a conversation.
Good for them. New kids sticking by each other is something I like to see.
My first impressions? 
I honestly think, just from a first glance, these two look pretty normal. Amber's a little hyper but she seems harmless. Same goes for Alex. 
However, like I said, this is just from a first glance. There could be more to these two than what meets the eye.
We'll just have to find out, won't we?
- Expposed 

Fate comes a knockin', doors start lockin'.

Well, this is certainly an entertaining story coming from Caldwell today. 
Guess what happened?
Come on, just give me your wildest guess?

Give up?
Alright I'll tell you.
Winter was arrested last night.
The cops showed up to the Dorms and told her she was under arrest for this little incident .
Or as they like to call it " attempted murder."
As she was getting cuffed, out walks the person who called them.
She questioned why he was there for a moment before it finally hit her that he was the one who called them...
and her reaction was everything but pleasant.
Winter started yelling and screaming and vowing to get revenge and he just stood there, taking this all quite well. 
I guess the saying is true. You mess with the bull...
you'll get the horns.
- Exposed 

Hot Or Not List Tuesday March 19th, 2013

This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I kind of forgot so I'm sorry!

1. Winter Clarkson
2. Lacey Towns
3. Ray Micheals
4. Alex Murray
5. Sienna Aria
6. Samantha Owens
7. Jess Oregon
8. Annabelle Carter
9. Amber Roberts
10. Rachel Ryland

1. Jordan McCarthy
2. Dylan Detetta 

- Exposed

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Now I know, I've gotta pull the trigger.

Oh crap.
Oh crap.

You would think after this happened, Caldwell would have put some sort of restriction on weapons or perhaps would have put a curfew up to prevent another shooting. 
Well they didn't and guess what happened?
Take a wild guess?
Give up?
Alright, I'll tell you what happened.
Rachel was shot.
I'm not kidding, she was actually shot. 
Except for this time, Dylan isn't to blame.
It's his good friend, Ray.
Rachel was taking a walk through the woods about midnight, ran into Ray, they got into an argument and bam!
She was shot...
- Exposed

( Short post, I know. I'll have more on this little story once I get a little more information.)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Reviews ( Wednesday March 13th, 2013)

Well kiddos. It's still March and there's snow on the ground.
Oh joy.
With that being said I was ticked off and then I remembered.
Wednesday is the day I do reviews.
And since I didn't want to leave you all in the lurch so I decided to go ahead and do these anyway, despite my mood.
So here we go.

From A to Z, first name basis:

Annabelle: Obviously, you're an idiot. How in the world did you possibly think you could get away with driving home drunk? And on top of that, skipping school? I honestly don't know, but you need to get yourself straightened out here. Austin certainly wouldn't be proud of your actions, little miss.
Charlotte: Well, after what seems like forever, you're finally somewhat normal. Then you go and throw away that reputation by mentioning burying a body in the woods with Winter to Jess. Whose mind is scaring her enough already. I'd think before I'd say something, darling. 
Chris: You like the schizo, eh? Congratulations we have a decent human being here!
Dylan: Okay well I guess you're switching roles now again. Except for instead of the victim - you're the good guy. I mean convincing Ray not to kill herself really was something a good guy does and well I found it sweet. It might just add to the reputation you probably want.
Jess: I'd hold onto Chris, if I were you. Because, darling, he might be the only one who won't leave you.
Jordan: Okay so Charlotte hasn't left you yet and that's a good thing. But she might have been a little crazy suggesting you come back, after all Caldwell isn't the place for recovering. If anything, it's where you'll most likely get hurt again if you mess with the wrong people. But perhaps it might help you with your memory's your choice.
Lacey: Listen up kid because I'm going to say this only once but you need to get yourself out there. Meet some new people so you won't be lonely.
Louis: The drugs kill you yet? 
Rachel: Please don't tell me you only went with Lacey out of pity...because I won't take that well at all.
Ray: I pretty much voiced my opinions on you in that one post, but ouch. Stay strong, darling.
Samantha: Here's a tip, if you're reading this, stay away from Annabelle. There's obviously crazy in the Carter family because Austin was insane too. Just differently...and anyway. Just go your own way.
Sienna: Woah...
Winter: Insane girl...

That's about it. Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Come on, take the money and run.

You all should really listen to me when I say things aren't going to end well. You really should. 
Because when I make that statement, I usually end up being right.
And apparently that's the case today because...
Annabelle and Samantha were arrested. 
As you may or may not know they were pulled over because Annabelle was driving all over the road and an officer noticed this and did what any officer will do if you're driving like she was.
He or she will pull you over!
So anyway, when Annabelle stops the car and the officer walks over he noted her intoxicated appearance and arrested her for kiddie DUI. Which means that she was driving under the influence as a minor. Because believe it or not, Annabelle's only 16. 
I saw that coming but what I didn't expect is that Samantha was also arrested due to the fact that the officer found a bottle of liquor in the center console and probably assumed it was her's. 
- Exposed 

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday March 12th, 2013)

1. Ray Micheals
2. Samantha Owens
3. Winter Clarkson
4. Annabelle Carter
5. Lacey Towns
6. Charlotte Ross 
7. Rachel Ryland

1. Jordan McCarthy
2. Dylan Detetta

Short list this week, but I have a feeling that could all change.
- Exposed 

Monday, March 11, 2013

These are the things I can do without.

Oh my word. 
Oh my word.
I honestly don't know how to say this as I cannot think of the proper words to ease into the statement in which I am about ready to tell you so I'm just going to say it.
Last night Ray almost killed herself.
Yes, darling, you heard me correctly. She almost killed herself.

She was standing on the ledge of the rooftop, and when she was about ready to jump - guess who stumbles in?

Apparently he was released from the hospital and happened to get there just in time.
So he walks over to where she was, and managed to convince her that there was much more reasons to live than to die and talked her off the ledge.

I wonder why Ray would want to kill herself? I mean, with the exception of Dylan, she really hasn't been involved in any sort of drama and now all of a sudden she wants to kill herself?

Shout, shout. Let it all out.
These are the things I can do without.
Come on, I'm talking to you. Come on. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

You better think of something quick!

Well it seems like Winter and Dylan are at it again. Like usual, there's a story to go behind it, so here goes nothing.
First, Ray Micheals heard what happened to Dylan and came to the hospital he was in. They talked for a while, and when Dylan told her what Winter did...
let's just say Ray wasn't very happy about it.
So then Winter comes in and makes a comment when she sees that Dylan's conscious. He snaps at her and that turns into this big argument. Dylan then got ticked off and threw a telephone at her.
They argued for a little longer when Dylan told Winter to come her way, and when she did he punched her in the face! Something I wish I could do sometimes...
And then, of course, they start arguing again. Until Winter made some sort of snappy remark. Dylan, looking for someone to defend him, turns to Ray. Who took Dylan's side and said something rude about Winter. 
Dylan obviously had the reaction you'd think of.
So then Ray gets somewhat protective of Dylan and she continued to defend him by basically turning Winter's insults around. Then another argument comes in Winter and Dylan's way.
I honestly don't know what it is between these two, but I find it kind of amusing.
- Heard, but not seen. 


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

There's a room where the light won't find you.

Apparently, the insanity does not stop here.
So Samantha and Annabelle decided to skip class and go to Studio 57 for a midday clubbing session. Where Annabelle got insanely drunk.
And that might have been okay had she not been the designated driver.
So she decides that she's sober enough to drive her and Samantha back and everything was going alright until she got pulled over.
I have a feeling this isn't going to end well at all...
- Exposed

Will you recognize me? Call my name or walk on by? Part One


Aw... got a bit of a sad story for you today.
Jordan was in a car accident and guess what happened to him?
He lost his memory.
Now I mentioned in this post that Jordan has retrograde amnesia and apparently this accident rattled his brain enough to cause him to lose his memory again.
This apparently happened a couple of days ago but it was only today that Charlotte found out. She received a call from the Hospital telling her to come down there and a Doctor explained it to her - and also mentioned that she would have to teach him everything again.
Initially I thought she would decline and leave right then in there but Charlotte agreed to teach him everything again.
I wonder how this will turn out...
To be continued.
- Exposed 

Reviews ( Wednesday March 6th, 2013)

Well kids it's finally here.
It's Wednesday.
Now it's a very special Wednesday because it's the first Wednesday of March.
And you know what happens in March?
Which I am honestly excited for because I'm officially done with the season of winter. I've seen so much snow these last couple of months that I can't take it anymore.
Anyway back to my point. It's Wednesday which means...
you guessed it. Reviews.
Quite a reasonable amount of things have happened this week so let's just get into it, shall we?
From A-Z, first name basis:

Annabelle: Darling, seriously? No. Skipping school to go drink isn't the right way to go. It isn't and I hope this doesn't happen again...
Charlotte: Okay there is really no words I can use to describe how much sympathy I feel for you. Your last boyfriend passed away and now your current one lost his memory again? Ouch that's got to be hard to handle.
Chloe: New girl here. Honestly I'd pick some better people than Annabelle to hang around with.
Dylan:  Alright so getting yourself set on fire was irrational and uncalled for but you have to admit, maybe it's about time you switched roles - now playing the victim so you can get a taste of what you've done in the past. 
Edward: I've got really nothing to say to you this week. Take that as a compliment, darling.
Jess: Alright it's about time I gave you some more advice because clearly you need it. You have to stop running away. Because Chris might not chase after you anymore and I suggest that you get over your fear that he's going to reject you. He's obviously into you, or else he would've left a long time ago so there's no reason to be afraid anymore.
Jordan: There's a post I'm writing that contains my full, honest, and completely unsugarcoated thoughts on what happened with you so I do suggest reading that when I post it but in the meantime, hang in there kid. 
Lacey: I'd honestly never thought I'd say this but you seem so down lately! What happened to the bright and happy Lacey that managed to get Dylan locked up last year? Who knows but hang in there. Things get better.
Rachel: I bet any amount of money you're glad no - overjoyed at what Winter did to Dylan. I, for one, am.
Ray: With the exception of Sienna, you're the first person that's actually been on Dylan's good side and that certainly says something. 
Samantha: I'm sure by now you've figured out that you're trapped here among the psychos. Let's just hope you'll make it out alive - unlike a few unfortunate students who I can name.
Winter: You just did something I've been wanting to do for a long time. However I'd watch out, Dylan's crafty. He might get back at you even worse.

Have a lovely week, darlings!
- Exposed 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hot Or Not List ( Tuesday March 5th, 2013)

1. Winter Clarkson
2. Sienna Aria
3. Ray Micheals
4. Samantha Owens
5. Jess Oregon
6. Lacey Towns
7. Annabelle Carter
8. Chloe St. Clair
9. Charlotte Ross
10. Sasha Reynolds

1. Dylan Detetta
2. Edward Styles
3. Jordan McCarthy

Have a lovely week, darlings!

Monday, March 4, 2013

There's games being played but I'm holding the cards.

This just keeps getting more intense by the day.
Except for this time someone got burned.
Like usual there's a story to match the statement so here it goes:
Apparently at Studio 57 last night Winter ran into, out of all people, Dylan. Of course, with everything that has happened between the two, the conversation got pretty heated and somehow the two got into a fight. Which ended up with Winter smashing a glass on top of Dylan's head.
He proceeded to pretend to pass out, hoping she'd leave, but Winter knew what he was up to and stayed. That is until he opened his eyes a few minutes later and when he did, Winter left.
Thinking he had won the argument Dylan followed her out to the parking lot and that's when Winter lit a match and threw it at him.
Since the vodka from the glass was still on him, it caused Dylan to burst into flames. 
Yes, he literally burst into flames.
Dylan began to scream (which this is certainly something I'd never thought I'd see before) and dropped to the ground, managing to extinguish the flame.
Once he the flame fizzled he stood up and stumbled over to where Winter was, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her along to the Urgent Care center.
Weird...however somewhat expected. At least he didn't go murder her and hide her body in the woods before getting himself checked out.
Anyway so they make it to the Urgent Care center and that's where the story takes a turn for the worse.
So after awhile of being there Dylan starts to act a little weird. He started to wheeze up and the poor kid looked like he wanted to pass out, having realized that obviously something was wrong and it needed more serious medical attention. So he managed to talk Winter into getting him to a Hospital instead.
- Exposed