Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fate comes a knockin', doors start lockin'.

Well, this is certainly an entertaining story coming from Caldwell today. 
Guess what happened?
Come on, just give me your wildest guess?

Give up?
Alright I'll tell you.
Winter was arrested last night.
The cops showed up to the Dorms and told her she was under arrest for this little incident .
Or as they like to call it " attempted murder."
As she was getting cuffed, out walks the person who called them.
She questioned why he was there for a moment before it finally hit her that he was the one who called them...
and her reaction was everything but pleasant.
Winter started yelling and screaming and vowing to get revenge and he just stood there, taking this all quite well. 
I guess the saying is true. You mess with the bull...
you'll get the horns.
- Exposed 

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